06-13-2015, 01:34 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
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One person killed in peaceful demonstrations in Sudan
01:34 PM Jun, 13 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library at SudaneseOnline
One person was killed on Friday in peaceful demonstrations in neighborhood of Al-Geraif in Khartoum against government land policies Police said in a statement on Friday that one protester was killed when the policemen used tear gas to disperse the angry crowd and that some wounded from the demonstrators and the police were transported to the hospital. "The police accomplished its duty in the protection of lives and properties of citizens and the state," said the statement adding that a number of suspects have been arrested after lodging criminal complaints against them. Witnesses said that about 500 demonstrators closed two main streets in the Al-Geraif and they stressed that they have a right to land that the government has allocated to investors, threw stones at police and burned tires. During the recent past years Khartoum state witnessed similar conflicts over land ownership between the local authorities and the residents. This is was the case in Al-Hamadab neighborhood, south of the capital Khartoum in December 2014. Also on 25 February of this year police killed a peaceful demonstrator in similar circumstances following a protest against sale of a land plots in Al-Shajara suburb. In February police broke up a rally in Khartoum prompted by the death of a woman who had earlier demonstrated against government land policies, witnesses said.
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