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News and Press ReleasesNgundeng’s Family Calls Upon Lou Nuer White Army To Stop Fighting The Government
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Ngundeng’s Family Calls Upon Lou Nuer White Army To Stop Fighting The Government

02-10-2014, 06:38 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Ngundeng’s Family Calls Upon Lou Nuer White Army To Stop Fighting The Government

    Ngundeng’s Family Calls Upon Lou Nuer White Army To Stop Fighting The Government
    For Immediate Release
    Ngundeng Historical Society
    Date: 9/02/2014
    The leadership of Ngundeng’s family, and the custodians of Prophet Ngundeng’s rod and other relics, call upon the Lou Nuer White Army to stop fighting the government of South Sudan and must therefore return to their villages to attend to their cattle and farms. It came to the attention of Ngundeng’s family that the White Army was mobilized by certain politicians to fight the democratically elected government of South Sudan. It has been observed that certain politicians used the name of prophet Ngundeng as a means to mobilize the Nuer youth to fight a political war.
    The family of prophet Ngundeng is seriously warning politicians, who attempted to use the name of Ngundeng for selfish political ends to destabilize South Sudan, to stop blackmailing innocent Nuer youth. The family would like to inform the people of South Sudan, and the international community, that Ngundeng was a prophet of peace who never targeted any tribe in South Sudan. Prophet Ngundeng had never launched a war against anybody or a tribe in South Sudan during his life time. He always preached peace and the unity of the black people against external invasion of Arabs and Turks.
    It is very alarming and disturbing that certain politicians used the name of prophet Ngundeng to recruit innocent children to take part in a war that was politically motivated. Political rivalry within the SPLM party has nothing to do with prophet Ngundeng or Nuer community. Prophet Ngundeng’s prophecies never endorsed a particular member of the SPLM party, nor was there a Nuer politician predicted to come to power through violence. The distortions of Ngundeng’s prophecies disturbed the family of the prophet that it is now contemplating taking legal actions against certain politicians who are abusing the name of the prophet Ngundeng.
    The family of Ngundeng is urging the government of South Sudan, UNMISS and Human Rights Watch to investigate the killings of innocent Nuer and Dinka by the parties to the conflict. It should also be acknowledged that the misuse of Ngundeng’s prophecies by certain politicians does tantamount to crimes against humanity and cultural values of the Nuer tribe. Ngundeng’s prophecies could not be used by certain politicians to perpetuate conflict in South Sudan in order to reach to power.
    The leadership of Ngundeng’s family warns all the members of the Lou Nuer White Army not to disobey the position of Ngundeg’s family and must therefore return to their villages. Failure to heed the advice of prophet’s family would lead to serious charges and consequences.
    The family of Ngundeng is urgently urging the two warring factions of the SPLM to resolve their differences through dialogue. As it is known in his teachings, prophet Ngungdeng used to encourage people to resolve conflicts through peaceful means. During his time, he united Nuer and Dinka chiefs to work together and the prophet ended cattle raiding between the two tribes.
    For Contact:
    Hon. Gai L. Ngundeng
    Chairman of Ngundeng Historical Society
    Ottawa, Canada
    Tel. (613)501-3317
    Email: [email protected]

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