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News and Press ReleasesNasir County Commissioner received SPLA Chief-of-General-Staff
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Nasir County Commissioner received SPLA Chief-of-General-Staff

06-16-2014, 06:00 AM
Gordon Buay
<aGordon Buay
Registered: 04-12-2014
Total Posts: 34

Nasir County Commissioner received SPLA Chief-of-General-Staff

    For Immediate Release
    June, 16, 2014

    The Commissioner of Nasir, Hon. Dak Tap, received the SPLA Chief-of-General-staff, Gen. Paul Malong Awan, in Nasir town on Sunday, June, 15. Gen. Malong Awan was accompanied by Lt. Gen. Ajongo, the Deputy Chief of staff for Operations, and Lt. Gen. Johnson Gony Bliew, Sector II Commander of the SPLA.

    Gen. Malong was warmly welcomed at Nasir Airport not only by the Commissioners of Ulang and Nasir counties but also Brig. Gen. Kong Thow Kong and hundreds of civilians, chiefs and religious leaders. After his arrival, Gen. Malong first met with the two Commissioners and Brig. Gen. Kong Thow and was briefed on the security situation in Jikany territories. Commissioner Dak Tap noted that fighting is not any longer taking place in four Jikany counties. Hon. Dak Tap narrated that the renegade Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth’s forces left Mandeng village for Pagak. Renegade Gathoth Gatkuoth himself went to Addis Ababa and joined the rebel leaders in Sheraton Hotel that has now become the Headquarters of the SPLM-in-Opposition.

    Gen. Malong praised Hon. Dak Tap and Hon. Gatkuoth Biem for defending the constitution of South Sudan. Gen. Malong expressed deep gratitude to the Gov. Simon Kun Puoc who convinced the leaders of Jikany White Army and chiefs to reject rebellion and work for peace. Since the liberation of Nasir, Ulang, Maiwut and Longichuk counties, peace has returned to Jikany land and farmers have started cultivating.

    In the afternoon, Gen. Malong met with the leaders of the Jikany White Army, Chiefs and priests and briefed them about the peace process in Addis Ababa. Gen. Malong told the gathering that SPLM/A was born in Jikany land and Jikany cannot allow South Sudan to be turned into Somalia by some politicians after becoming independence. The struggle for independence killed thousands of Jikany and this is the time for people to work for peace and development.

    The Chief-of-General-staff informed the chiefs that the UNWFP will airdrop food to all areas of Jikany to avert the impending famine. Gen. Malong noted that all the areas of eastern Nuer will receive food aid as soon as possible. The UNWFP will deliver foods to Akobo, Waat, Nasir, Ulang, Maiwut town, Longichuk, Mangok and Pagak to ensure that people don’t starve to death. Gen. Malong also encourage the farmers to start cultivation because the UN food is not enough to meet all the needs of the population.

    The paramount chief of Nasir praised Gen. Paul Malong for visiting them and made it abundantly clear that no single child of Jikany will ever take up arm against the government. The chief stated that the Jikany youth have realized that what happened on December, 15, was a political problem between SPLM politicians and not a tribal war. He said that politicians should solve their own problems without using young men as tools for destruction. Jikany in general have decided to end the war in South Sudan by rejecting negative campaign of politicians who are calling for Armageddon. The paramount chief of Nasir concluded his remarks by urging the government of South Sudan in general and President Kiir in particular to defend the constitution and work for the unity of the people of South Sudan.

    For contact:
    Gen. Gordon Buay
    Member of Other Armed Groups Integration Committee
    Former Spokesman of SSLM/A
    Email: [email protected]
    Juba, South Sudan

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