NCP forces heavily defeated in kao-Nyaro and Werni in Nuba Mountains
Date; 15/05/14
SPLA-N forces of SRF in South Kordofan/ Nuba mountains state on 14/05/014 managed to destroy two NCP convoys tried to occupy Kao-Nyaro area in Abujibeha County and Werni area in Talodi County, the defeat enemy forces inflicted heavy casualties in both men and equipment, in kao-nyaro the enemy convoy (wehdet Alhaq) equipped with 3 tanks, 57 vehicle and 1300 men, fled and left 38 bodies on the ground among them 1- LCPL/ Monadel Mohamed Hassan Osman ID, 8820100762, 2/ pvt. Adam Issa Alamin Rahma ID 6520131232 DVN 14 infantry,3- PVT- Badwi Yusif Ahmed Mana ID 7520131463, 4/ PVT- Abdalla Morhak Aldayei ID 3354, 5/ PVT, Aduma Tia Tutu Hatab ID 24622, 6/ PVT- Hassan Suleiman Musa Suleiman ID 4835, 7/ PVT- Badwi Yusif Ahmed ID 3345, 8/ PVT- Nadir Adud Nadir ID 6520090017, 9/ PVT- Hassan Ahmed Abdalla Tutu ID 10031107, 10/ PVT- Albadwi Yusif Mana, 11/ PVT- Khojali Omar, 12/ PVT- Adam Issa Alamin, SPLA-N captured one tank T-55 in good condition, 2 Korean made jeep(akama), one mortar 60mm, 2 pcs PKM mg. 2 pcs RPG-7, 26 pcs Kalashnikov rifles, 31 pcs missiles 100mm, 13 boxes of PKM ammunition, 7 boxes of 12,7 mm mg. also SPLA-N forces destroyed, one tanks T-55, one big truck Reno, one big truck ZY, one land-cruiser, in Werni the enemy convoy (Usud Abnaa Aliri-lions of alirri sons) equipped with 4 tanks and 50 vehicles fled and left 27 bodies on the ground, 10 pce of Kalashnikov rifles, one tank destroyed, in our side we lost 11 martyrs heroes and 27 others wounded, SPLA-N forces determine to defend the innocent civilians from genocidal and war criminals regime.
Arnu Ngutulu Loddi
SPLM/A-N official spokesman