11-24-2015, 04:08 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Minister of Justice Meets his Egyptian Counterpart in Cairo
04:08 PM Nov, 24 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Cairo, Nov. 24 (SUNA) - The Minister of Justice, Awad Al-Hassan Al-Nour, accompanied by the Ambassador of the Sudan to Cairo, Abdul-Mahmoud Abdull-Halim, has met the Minister of Justice of Egypt, Ahmed Al-Zind, and the Chairman of the Egyptian Judicial Council and Attorney General, Advisor Ahmed Jamal-Eddin, separately.The Minister of Justice expressed the aspiration of the Sudan for cooperation with the Egyptian Judiciary in the field of exchanging experiences and training.Al-Nour has invited his Egyptian counterpart to visit Sudan.Meanwhile, the Egyptian Minister of Justice said that they agreed to reactivate the previous agreement between the two countries immediately.He expressed welcome to the Sudanese people who want training in the Centre of Judicial Studies.The two ministers discussed the investigation on assaults against Sudanese nationals in Egypt, especially after the killing of a number of Sudanese persons who were attempting to infiltrate to Israel through the Egyptian territories.The Justice Minister was visiting Egypt to take part in the meeting of the Arab Justice Ministers of the Arab and meet his Egyptian counterpart, Advisor Ahmed Al-Zind, and the Attorney General, Nabil Saddig this in the context of the cooperation and continuous coordination between two countries in the all fields. أحدث المقالاتروابط لمواضيع من سودانيزاونلاين- بعد تمصير سكان مثلث حلايب....هل تكتفى مصر بذلك؟ بمصر بقلم ادروب سيدنا اونور
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