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Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
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Total Posts: 2012
Minister of Intl Cooperation reviews aspects of joint cooperation between Sudan and IAEA
00:54 AM August, 30 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, August 29 (SUNA) - The Minister of International Cooperation Dr Kamal Hassan Ali discussed with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Dr. Yulia Amano, on the sidelines of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development Sunday in Nairobi, the aspects of joint cooperation between Sudan and the IAEA, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, capacity building and ways to support the agreed upon new programs, especially in the fields of water and human resources development Dr. Ali said that Sudan was constantly participating in 52 national, regional and international projects, praising the positive steps taken by the International Atomic Energy Agency to include development within the peace programs and the IAEA future plan and vision. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of International Cooperation and Head of Sudan Delegation of Senior Officials to the Technical and Preparatory Meetings for the Summit of the Tokyo International Conference Al-Tahir Suleiman Edam explained, in statements to the press after his return at Khartoum Airport, that the technical and preparatory meetings at all stages was transparent, referring to the participation of all African countries as well the Japanese Government and regional and international organizations Edam said that the Nairobi Declaration and the Plan of Implementation of the Declaration were reviewed and approved by the senior officials and forwarded to the ministerial meeting, which in turn submitted them to the summit of presidents and heads of states. He added the First Vice President of the Republic Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih led the Sudanese delegation to the conference. Edam pointed out that the conference was accompanied by a fair amounts of activities including workshops, exhibitions and bilateral meetings, revealing that the comments of Sudan delegation gained acceptance from everyone where it called for the need to incorporate the challenges and obstacles facing the African countries such as debt, poverty, migration, unemployment, unilateral sanctions and terrorism in the plan of the agency, urging necessity to address the root of these problems. The Sudan delegation also called for to the need to give concern to the scientific research, exchange of technology, encouragement of invention and taking care of health issues, demanding tangible roles for the regional and international organizations in supporting regional integration. The Members of the Sudanese technical and ministerial delegation also participated in the meeting devoted to the population issues including health, education, women and demographic matters. BH/BH
أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 29 أغسطس 2016
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المنبر العام
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