Am an Israeli, am not scared i have been in this. (comments of an Isarili after hearing the blast of the attack on Paris ) How did similarities met؟ when this attack occurred concided with a meeting of Sudanese opposition in Paris , if they were to hear the sound of the blast their response would be like that Israeli (we are not scared, we are in a middle of this in Sudan), Another unfortunte terror stricke on France causing unprecedented death toll of inocent people who are going about with their normal life. This is a crime against the whole peace loving people world wide. it is crime and hate against humanity, the whole world should simplise solidarity with the french people and government , do what could help the people of France . The SPLMN stands with the people of French and pays condolences to the families and French people , you are not alone we are in the same trench with you against terrorism. Terror is evil and has to be combated and unearthed . Malik Agar Eyre SPLM-N Chairman 14/11/2015
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