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News and Press ReleasesMSF hospital bombed in South Kordofan, Sudan
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MSF hospital bombed in South Kordofan, Sudan

01-23-2015, 02:20 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

MSF hospital bombed in South Kordofan, Sudan

    January 23 - 2015 LONDON / PARIS
    The MSF Hospital in Frandala, South Kordofan (MSF)
    The MSF Hospital in Frandala, South Kordofan (MSF)

    A hospital operated by the international medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) was directly targeted in an aerial bombing in Sudan on January 20, forcing the suspension of medical activities, MSF announced today (Friday). Two sustained injuries.

    The hospital, located in the Nuba Mountains village of Frandala in the South Kordofan region of Sudan, was bombed by the Sudanese Air Force (SAF). “We condemn in the strongest terms the bombing of the Frandala hospital,” said Marc Van der Mullen, MSF head of mission. “With more than 100 patients present, we were very lucky not to have more casualties because people simply had no time to seek protection. Everyone is shocked and frightened of further attacks.”

    Approximately 150 patients and staff were in the hospital when a SAF fighter jet dropped a cluster of 13 bombs, two of which landed inside the hospital compound. The others struck just outside the hospital fence. One MSF staff member and one patient were injured. The property also suffered damage.

    "There can be no doubt that this was a deliberate and targeted bombing

      part of a strategy to terrorise the community."

    The attack is part of an indiscriminate bombing campaign in South Kordofan, a feature of the war between authorities in Khartoum and rebels groups in the Nuba Mountains. Health facilities are not spared: Frandala hospital was also bombed on 16 June 2014. This attack took place despite the Sudanese government’s knowledge of the hospital location and its activities, which had been previously communicated to them by MSF. One patient was killed in the attack and several others were wounded. The hospital also sustained significant damage.

    “Today there can be no doubt that this was a deliberate and targeted bombing on a civilian hospital structure and part of a strategy to terrorise the community,” said Van der Mullen. “MSF again calls on Khartoum to respect assistance provided to the population. Despite this latest setback we will try to find a way to continue to provide care to the population caught in this largely undocumented war.”

    MSF is one of the few health care providers in South Kordofan.


    Related articles:

    https://www.dabangasudan.org/en/all-news/article/attacks-on-south-kordofan-may-constitute-war-crime-amnesty-intAttacks on South Kordofan 'may constitute war crime': Amnesty Int (25 June 2014)

    https://www.dabangasudan.org/en/all-news/article/hospital-bombed-in-sudan-s-south-kordofanHospital bombed in Sudan's South Kordofan  (17 June 2014)


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