10-09-2014, 10:04 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 2162
Letter to President Obama from Sudanese living in Diaspora
October 08, 2014 The Honorable Barack H. Obama President of the United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20600 Dear President Obama: We, the undersigned, are sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, of the marginalized people in the war zones in Sudan (Darfur, Nuba Mountains, and Blue Nile) living in the diaspora here in the United States of America. We are writing to you today because we are deeply concerned about the recent actions by the African Union (AU), led by Mr. Thabo Mbeki, in concert with some leaders and parties aligned with the Government of Sudan, to rescue the ailing regime in Khartoum while ignoring the suffering people in the war-torn regions of Sudan. The AU Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) communique of September 12, 2014, “urges the international community, especially the African Development Bank (AfDB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and bilateral partners, to consider providing an economic support package to Sudan, including expediting debt relief and extending concessionary loans, in support of the people of Sudan as they move forward. Council appeals to all States that have imposed sanctions on the financial services sector to lift them, in order to contribute positively towards the creation of enabling conditions for the success of the National Dialogue.” In effect, the AUPSC is asking the international community to come to the financial rescue of the Government of Sudan, even though the Government of Sudan continues to use the majority of its funds to finance its ongoing war against its own people, while ignoring the AUPSC requests to "ensure political freedoms" and allow "humanitarian assistance to all populations in war-affected areas." This proposal, if accepted, would constitute a reward to a regime that has committed genocide and crimes against humanity against its people. The Government of Sudan has defiantly shown no respect for the resolutions of the international community through years. As a result, our people continue to suffer terribly by daily aerial bombings, Janjaweed attacks, and acute food shortages, including the real threat of starvation, because of the Government of Sudan blocking humanitarian assistance. Dear Mr. President, we long for an end to the decades-long, deadly conflict in Sudan in the hope that we may yet see a genuine, lasting and just peace in Sudan. The regime is using all forms of deceit to cling to power. We believe in an inclusive national dialogue as a means to reach an effective and final political settlement, but that dialogue must not proceed with more of our people’s dead bodies. The international community must require the regime to show good faith by: • Ceasing aerial bombings, not only with a declaration, but also by immediate implementation. • Disbanding the Rapid Support Forces militias (Janjaweed). • Withdrawing the regime’s Security and militias units from the IDP camps throughout the three regions (Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile). and#65532; Because of its track record of signing agreements and not living up to them, the Khartoum regime should never be rewarded in advance of clear evidence that it has implemented its commitments. The international community must require and enforce commitments by the regime in Khartoum to meet its obligations to its people and behave seriously so that Sudan can end this state of perpetual wars. We ask that the international community, at a minimum, insist on the following prerequisites: • No assaults by the government of Khartoum or its militias on civilians in the three regions (Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile). • No financial reward to the regime in Khartoum in any form or shape -- no debt relief, lifting or alleviation of sanctions, not removing the name of Government of Sudan from the U.S. list of countries sponsoring terrorism, no relief financial packages from any international entity -- before testimony of the affected people in the three regions that conditions on the ground are radically improved in both security and well-being. Without that confirmation, it will be all too true that a dollar in hands of President Bashir is a bullet in the head of a marginalized victim. • Delivery to The Hague of those indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) so that they can stand trial on the charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, because peace will never come to Sudan if there is no justice. • Unfettered access by humanitarian relief NGOs to enter and aid the suffering populations in the three regions (Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile). Dear Mr. President, we, the people of the marginalized regions of Sudan, for decades have been mistreated and deprived of our basic human rights by the Government of Sudan. This ill- treatment has bred profound mistrust of the political parties aligned with the Government. We believe that the prerequisites listed above can ensure the beginning of a genuine and positive process in Sudan so that we can at last achieve a stable and lasting political settlement. Sincerely yours, 1. Blue Nile Association For Peace and Development Washington, DC 2. Darfur People’s Association of New York Brooklyn, NY 3. Darfur Human Rights Organization – U.S.A. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 4. Nuba Mountains International Association New York, NY 5. Nuba Mountains International Association Greater Washington, (DC, MD, VA) 6. Nuba Mountains International Association North Carolina 7. Nuba Mountains International Association Ohio 8. Nuba Mountains International Association Tennessee 9. Nuba Mountains International Association Nebraska 10. Nuba Mountains International Association Arizona 11. Nuba Mountains International Association Iowa 12. Nuba Mountains International Association Maine 13. Nuba Mountains International Association Florida 14. Nuba Mountains International Association Dallas, Texas 15. Nuba Mountains International Association Houston, Texas 16. Nuba Christian Family- U.S.A. Washington DC 17. Nuba Mountains Advocacy Group – USA Washington DC 18. Sudanese Nuba Church Cincinnati, Ohio 19. Nuba Water Project Denver, Colorado 20. People 4 Sudan New York, New York 21. SudanMarginalizedForumUSA New York, New York 22. SudanPeaceOrganization New York, New York 23. Taha Tibin Arizona San Diego, California 25. Khalid Abdrhman California 26. Mohamed Suleiman San Francisco, California 27. Omer Abdelsawi Omer Florida 28. Osman Mohamed Florida 29. Joyce Richardson Florida 30. DR Abdel Ibrahim Pennsylvania 31. DR Abdulla Braima Pennsylvania 32. DR Mahmoud Ibrahim New York 33. Abdelaziz Marhoum Gassim Pennsylvania 34. DR Osman Mohamed Saaid Kansas 35. Samia Zakaria Ali Kansas 36. Eltigani Alsanosi Pennsylvania 37. Awatif Mohamed Kher Virginia 38. DR Nahid Suliman Pennsylvania 39. Abdella Babikir Washington DC 40. Aiesha S. Omer Florida 24. FoziaShalabi 41. MohamedAlkhatim Pennsylvania 42. DRAbdelmagidMohamed Florida 43. Ali T Daldoum Dayton, Ohio 44. Juma M Khamis Dayton, Ohio 45. Elhafiz Dayton, Ohio. 46. HusseinAbdalla Dayton, Ohio 47. AbdulmajeedMohamed Dayton, Ohio 48. Ibrahim Osman Dayton, Ohio 49. YusifLamiy Dayton, Ohio 50. Samusi Ismail Dayton, Ohio 51. Yunis Goma Dayton, Ohio 52. Mohamed Haroon Abdalla Dayton, Ohio 53. Mohamed Nila Regaege Dayton, Ohio 54. Adam Jebrel Dayton, Ohio 55. Haroun Boker Dayton, Ohio 56. AhamedDaheya Dayton, Ohio 57. MonirAbdalla Dayton, Ohio 58. Abdalla Suliman Jali Dayton, Ohio 59. Santino L. Almuraka Dayton, Ohio 60. Saleh Hassan Dayton, Ohio 61. Yusif Tagl Dayton, Ohio 62. Jamila Abda Dayton, Ohio 63. Islam Hanon Dayton, Ohio 64. Zahara Hanon Dayton, Ohio 65. Fatma Hanon Dayton, Ohio 66. Seliem Hanon Dayton, Ohio 67. Mustafa Hanon Dayton, Ohio 68. Hussien Shamry Dayton, Ohio 69. Abdalla Abdalla Dayton, Ohio 70. Bishara Sabon Dayton, Ohio 71. Musa Ibrahim Dayton, Ohio 72. Yaya Khamis Dayton, Ohio 73. Bakit Adam Dayton, Ohio 74. Sief Bakit Dayton, Ohio 75. YusifBakit Dayton, Ohio 76. Salima Bakit Dayton, Ohio 77. MohamedBakit Dayton, Ohio 78. FatiaAdam Dayton, Ohio 79. Arafa y Goma Dayton, Ohio 80. Nadir Y Goma Dayton, Ohio 81. Mohamed Y Goma Dayton, Ohio 82. Manasik Y Goma Dayton, Ohio 83. Mairr Y Goma Dayton, Ohio 84. SadeaKhalil Dayton, Ohio 85. Mustafa H Mustafa Dayton, Ohio 86. HalaHMustafa Dayton, Ohio 87. Myatt H Mustafa Dayton, Ohio 88. MohamedHMohamed Dayton, Ohio 89. Sana Dayton, Ohio 90. HamedMohamed Dayton, Ohio 91. Samea Mohamed Dayton, Ohio 92. Sadea Mohamed Dayton, Ohio 93. Hamed Abusam Dayton, Ohio 94. Muna Adam Dayton, Ohio 95. Afra Abusam Dayton, Ohio 96. Anfal Abusam Dayton, Ohio 97. Osma Abusam Dayton, Ohio 98. Eiman Abusam Dayton, Ohio 99. Omar Siyead Dayton, Ohio 100. Amna Abusam Dayton, Ohio 101. Bashir Abakar Dayton, Ohio 102. Haroon Haroon Dayton, Ohio 103. Mohamed Geddo Dayton, Ohio 104. Mohamed Haroun Dayton, Ohio 105. Ibrahim Mohamed Dayton, Ohio 106. Abdulmajeed Khamis Dayton, Ohio 107. Mohamed Arbab Dayton, Ohio 108. Sadick Adam Dayton, Ohio 109. Omar Kodi Dayton, Ohio 110. Sadea Dayton, Ohio 111. Zacharia Mohamed Dayton, Ohio 112. Hyman Adoma Dayton, Ohio 113. Mohamed Isacc Dayton, Ohio 114. Omar Dahab Dayton, Ohio 115. Hussien Kodeli Dayton, Ohio 116. Khalid Kodeli Dayton, Ohio 117. Katir Kuwa Cincinnati, Ohio 118. Nasrin Kate Cincinnati, Ohio 119. Nelson Khatir Cincinnati, Ohio 120. Zaibab Khatir Cincinnati, Ohio 121. Nora Khatir Cincinnati, Ohio 122. Sonia Adam Cincinnati, Ohio 123. Yousif Kwalina Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio 125. Gwalina Gwalina Cincinnati, Ohio 126. Gostous Gwalina Cincinnati, Ohio 127. Gabriella Gwalina Cincinnati, Ohio 128. Adam Osman Cincinnati, Ohio 129. Nema Kodi Cincinnati, Ohio 130. Waleid Osman Cincinnati, Ohio 131. Nagla Osman Cincinnati, Ohio 132. AmelOsman Cincinnati, Ohio 133. Sarha Osman Cincinnati, Ohio 134. Andrew Osman Cincinnati, Ohio 135. Ragab Krim Cincinnati, Ohio 136. Linda Kuku Cincinnati, Ohio 137. Kuku Krim Cincinnati, Ohio 138. Ivan Krim Cincinnati, Ohio 139. Eva Krim Cincinnati, Ohio 140. Ethan Krim Cincinnati, Ohio 124. Elizabeth Kuwa 141. Amin Ismail/Gogadi Amoga Cincinnati, Ohio 142. Amira Abdalla/TatoMelly –Tiya Cincinnati, Ohio 143. Ismail Ismail/ Asko Amoga Cincinnati, Ohio 144. Asso Ismail/Asso Amoga Cincinnati, Ohio 145. Marko Nasir Cincinnati, Ohio 146. Shereen Anglo Cincinnati, Ohio 147. JacoubAndria Cincinnati, Ohio 148. SamiraAndria Cincinnati, Ohio 149. MagdyAndria Cincinnati, Ohio 150. Sadig Koko Cincinnati, Ohio 151. Mark Kodi Cincinnati, Ohio 152. OsmanKallo Cincinnati, Ohio 153. Safa Abdall Cincinnati, Ohio 154. Ahmed kallo Cincinnati, Ohio 155. Kundara Kallo Cincinnati, Ohio 156. Musa Teia Cincinnati, Ohio 157. Mabrouka Kuku Cincinnati, Ohio 158. Warn Aburas Cincinnati, Ohio 159. WadieAburas Cincinnati, Ohio 160. KamalElzubair Cincinnati, Ohio 161. Iglal Kuku Cincinnati, Ohio 162. Ahmed Elzubair Cincinnati, Ohio 163. Amged Elzubair Cincinnati, Ohio 164. Akrm Elzubair Cincinnati, Ohio 165. Insaf Elzubair Cincinnati, Ohio 166. Sabit Kuwa Cincinnati, Ohio 167. Ajuba Koudi Cincinnati, Ohio 168. Mendila Khatir Cincinnati, Ohio 169. Nazik Katir Cincinnati, Ohio 170. Howaida Khatir Cincinnati, Ohio 171. Kodi Khatir Cincinnati, Ohio 172. Abass Ahmed Cincinnati, Ohio 173. Zahra Abass Cincinnati, Ohio 174. Kuku Abass ` Cincinnati, Ohio 175. Kodi Abass Cincinnati, Ohio 176. Kallo Abass Cincinnati, Ohio 177. Komi Abass Cincinnati, Ohio 178. Yousif Kuku Cincinnati, Ohio 179. Fatima Saleh Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 180. Dr. Abdulgabar Adam Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 181. Hafis Shigefat Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 182. Algali Shigifat Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 183. Ibrahim Hameid Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 184. Omar Habib Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 185. Suad Mansur Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 186. Dar Alnaeim Ibrahim Abdalla Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 187. Hanan Ibrahim Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 188. Zeinab Blandia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 189. Atom Gabush Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 190. Eman Ahmed Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191. Mona Saleh Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 192. Fatema Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 193. Suleiman Tidgani Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 194. Yosif Sabeil Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 195. Asadig Aradi Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 196. Nadir Mizan Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 197. Asma Mohamed Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 198. Thani Abakr Ateim Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 199. Yusra Alfhal Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 200. Shaza Sulyman Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 201. Afra Osama Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 202. Suher Alsadig Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 203. Khalda Ismail Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 204. Asma Fakhraldein Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 205. Suleyman Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 206. Galal Alzein Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 207. Gar Alnabi AbuSakin Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 208. Ahmed Abdu Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 209. Esmail DosaAhmed Hamed Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 210. Hawa Salih Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 211. ABDALHALEIM OSMAN Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 212. Mohammed Abdalmaget Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 213. Abdalah Abaker Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 214. Sadia Ali Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 215. Mawyia Yonis Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 216. Karima Yousif Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 217. Adam Eissa Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 218. Fatima Ali Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 219. Ederis Dawoud Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 220. Zahra Omer. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 221. Hamdy Abubaker Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 222. Siraj Mohammed Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 223. Madeina Mohammed Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 225. Ibrahim Abdallah New Jersey 226. Jafer Omer New Jersey 227. Walid Khamis New Jersey 228. Alfateh Khamis New Jersey 229. Fatima Omer New Jersey 230. Ibrahim Ateem New Jersey 231. Goman Sifaldeen New Jersey 232. Goman Abdalrahman New Jersey 233. Aisha Ahmed New Jersey 234. Fatima Saleh Kansas 235. Sumia Mohamed Kansas 236. Habsa Yahya Kansas 237. Omyma Nurein Kansas 238. Aradia Hassan Kansas 239. Nagud Osman Kansas 240. Amani Mohamed Kansas 224. Manal Salama 241. Fatima Abdelrhman Kansas 258. 242. Faiza Ahmed Kansas 259. 243. Wiasal Nurein Kansas 260. 244. Hana Juma Kansas 261. 245. Huda Musa Kansas 262. 246. Ilham Mohamed Kansas 263. 247. Sara Reial Kansas 264. 248. Riham Mohamed Kansas 265. 249. Mona Kansas 266. 250. Sara Badawi Kansas 267. 251. Fadia Hasan Kansas 268. 252. Nidal Mohamed Kansas 269. 253. Awatef Abdlmalik Kansas 270. 254. Nidal Yousif Nebraska 271. 255. Suher Abuanga Iowa 272. 256. Juma Iowa 273. 257. Samia Kome Iowa 274. Asmhan Iowa Hanan Ali Iowa Ikhlas Iowa Bkhita Iowa Thoria Iowa Amina Iowa Hala Maine Nwafel Badwi Iowa Rugia Michigan Yasmin Iowa Mona Ataheir Kansas Monira Ali Minnesota Fthya Kaka New York Marwa Ismail Seattle, Washington Ahmed Hussein Adam New York, New York Abdalmageed Salih Haroun New York, New York Salih Safi Elnoor Al Nayer New York, New York 275. Alam Eldeen Ahmed Ali New York, New York 276. Mubarak Arabi Utaica, New York 277. Yasmein Mhamud New York, New York 278. Enas Alnur New York, New York 279. Slwa Komae New York, New York 280. Ikhlas Yasir San Diego, California 281. Nada Khalid Boston, Massachusetts 282. Amel Nawa Missouri 283. Amyna Nasir Minnesota 284. Mohamed Aburas Washington, DC 285. Mukhtal Almein Washington, DC 286. Aburas Tutu Washington, DC 287. Mohamed Ismail Washington, DC 288. Hana Ibrahim Washington, DC 289. Khamisa Eisa Nebraska 290. Ashgan Khalil Nebraska 291. Gido Abrass Nebraska 292. Gada Rahal Nebraska 293. Hmra Hussein Kansas 294. Motasim Adam Brooklyn, New York 295. Magid Kabash New York, New York 296. Sarah Teya New York, New York 297. Koko Kabash New York, New York 298. Nancy Kabash New York, New York 299. Samyra Kabash New York, New York 300. Toto Kabash New York, New York 301. Omer baldan New York, New York 302. Amal Gagdoul New York, New York 303. Hosna Baldan New York, New York 304. Ahmed Baldan New York, New York 305. Ali Baldan New York, New York 306. Abdalhameed Gornan New York, New York 307. Gebrel Abdalla New York, New York 308. Salwa Abdalla New York, New York 309. Galal Gebrel New York, New York 310. Amyra Gebrel New York, New York 311. Mohmed Gebrel New York, New York 312. Abdulgader Korba New York, New York 313. Elyass Hamdan Lincoln, Nebraska 314. Atya Abass Lincoln, Nebraska 315. Khidir Ismail Lincoln Nebraska 316. Mohmed Kambal Lincoln, Nebraska 317. Hager Alhalo Lincoln, Nebraska 318. Alawia Kashaip Lincoln, Nebraska 319. Assad Komi Lincoln, Nebraska 320. Badri Hamdan Lincoln, Nebraska 321. Yussen Tutu Dallas, Texas 322. Muhydeen Kafi Houston, Texas 323. Abubaker Alzaki Houston , Texas 324. Ismail Hadaf Houston, Texas 325. Marghani Alary Maine 326. Boulas Kuku Maine 327. Ayman Karyka Maine 328. Khalil Koti Memphis, Tennessee 329. Sholoum Deeka Memphis, Tennessee 330. Kamella Ahamed Nashville, Tennessee 331. Hamza Mossa Nashville, Tennessee 332. Anwar Tiea Waterbury, Connecticut 333. Alnor Konda Waterbury, Connecticut 334. Mohammed Kuwa Buffalo Area, New York 335. Mohammed Osman Buffalo Area, New York 336. Salah Abdalla Buffalo Area, New York 337. Sidiq Abubaker Buffalo Area, New York 338. Abdelrahman Abuker Buffalo Area, New York 339. Sidiq Shartoof Buffalo Area, New York 340. Samir Darfur Buffalo Area, New York 341. Nasereldin Abdelrahman Buffalo Area, New York 342. Asmhan Kafi Buffalo Area, New York 343. Shamma Argo Buffalo Area, New York 344. Suhair Eltahir Buffalo Area, New York 345. Nadia Saeid Buffalo Area, New York 346. Paradise Kuwa Buffalo Area, New York 347. Yousif Kuwa Buffalo Area, New York 348. Issa Kuwa Buffalo Area, New York 349. Ramadan Kuwa Buffalo Area, New York 350. Suleiman Amin Buffalo Area, New York 351. Abdelrahman Engilze Buffalo Area, New York 352. Haroun Temdol Buffalo Area, New York 353. Arob Muyat Buffalo Area, New York 354. Ibrahim Haroun Buffalo Area, New York 355. Tito Brout Buffalo Area, New York 356. Lies Brana Buffalo Area, New York Buffalo Area, New York 358. Ali Ahmed Buffalo Area, New York 359. Mohammed Bidon Buffalo Area, New York 360. Younis Abdalla Buffalo Area, New York 361. Sidiq Eskender Buffalo Area, New York 362. Abdelkreem Ibrahim Buffalo Area, New York 363. Abdalla Mohammed Buffalo Area, New York 364. Musa Mohammed Buffalo Area, New York 365. Mohammed Baroodi Buffalo Area, New York 366. Mohammed Abubaker Buffalo Area, New York 367. Walid Musa Buffalo Area, New York 368. Mubarak Burka Buffalo Area, New York 369. Nureldin Enur Buffalo Area, New York 370. Bashir Hamid Buffalo Area, New York 371. Mohammed Idriss Buffalo Area, New York 372. Gadalla Suodi Buffalo Area, New York 373. Abdelshafie Ahmed Buffalo Area, New York 357. Ayoub Adam 374. Samir Kuku Buffalo Area, New York 375. Abu Obida Kamal Buffalo Area, New York 376. Abdu Mursal Buffalo Area, New York 377. Riad Abdelrahman Buffalo Area, New York 378. Tenseem Abdelrahman Buffalo Area, New York 391. Intisar Abdalla Buffalo Area, New York 392. Mustafa Mohammed Buffalo Area, New York 393. Mohammed Amin Buffalo Area, New York 394. Amin Flien Buffalo Area, New York 395. Awatif Abu Ahmed Buffalo Area, New York 396. Diaa Flien Buffalo Area, New York 397. Numa Flien Buffalo Area, New York 398. Mustafa Flien Buffalo Area, New York 399. Salah Ali Buffalo Area, New York 400. Nasir Gibreel Alexandria, VA 401. Abdella Hassan Alexandria, VA 402. Abdelrahman Abdelatif Lorton, VA 403. Siddig Alnaial Alexandria, VA 404. Adlan Osman Abubakr Alexandria, VA 405. Mohamed Bushra Elyas Centerville, VA 406. Ahmed Mohamed Saied Baltimore, MD 407. Musa Bilal Kurditaila 379. Abdalla Farag Buffalo Area, New 380. Samia Fargalla Buffalo Area, New 381. Muaid Darfur Buffalo Area, New 382. Muram Darfur Buffalo Area, New 383. Sandy Mayour Buffalo Area, New 384. Mergan Mayour Buffalo Area, New 385. Abdegadir Ahmed Buffalo Area, New 386. Gidees Tito Buffalo Area, New 387. Gysma Silla Buffalo Area, New 388. Elsadiq Adam Buffalo Area, New 389. Adam Katar Buffalo Area, New 390. Gamal Sharif Buffalo Area, New York York York York York York York York York York York York Springfield, VA 408. Fadul Hamid Jamaa Furfax, VA 409. Ali Makki Alexandria, VA 410. Lutfi Mohamed Ford-church, VA 411. Halla Bakheet Ford-church, VA 412. Ismael Kardoli Alexandria, VA 413. Bakheeta Abdella Springfield, VA 414. Manahil Abdelgadir Fairfax, VA 415. Samah Mohamed Fairfax, VA 416. Omiema Mohamed Ford-Church, VA 417. Shafag Omer Ahmed Lorton, VA 418. Nagla Mirgani Lorron, VA 419. Aziza Elyas Lorron, VA 420. Sumia Ismael Baltimore, MD 421. Gubrana Ismael Baltimore, MD 422. Aida Ismael Baltimore, MD 423. Sababa Dadan Alexandria, VA 424. Tagelsir Mohamed Portland, ME 425. Jamal Nasir Louisville, KC 426. Mohamed Kher Hamid Louisville, KC 427. Medani Nasir Richmond, VA 428. Nahmia Ibrahim Shaloka Richmond, VA 429. Mahassin Eiba Richmond, VA 430. Om gamash Eiba Richmond, VA 431. Khalid Ismail Kafi Richmond, VA 432. Aiman Nawai Ali Richmond, VA 433. Omer Nawai Ali Richmond, VA 434. Haider Esmaiel Richmond, VA 435. Elizabe Anglo Richmond, VA 436. Atif Sambo Richmond, VA 437. Abdalla Kafi Richmond, VA 438. Rashid Kafi Richmond, VA 439. Mohamed Ahmed Richmond, VA 440. Makboul Elsadia Henrico, VA 441. Komi Elaiaiser Lorton, VA 442. Gutti Kanjam Falls Church, VA 443. Ahmed Fadl Arlington, VA 444. Hawa Eltoum Lorton, VA 445. Mashaer Adlan Lorton, VA 446. Abbass Abdalla Lanham, MD 452. Philip Tutu Kansas 453. Ahlam Fandama Waterbury, Connecticut 454. Ambuka Tiea Waterbury, Connecticut 455. Inas Gourdon Waterbury, Connecticut - 447. Amira Abdalla Lanham, MD 448. Gadilla Abdrasoul Lanham, MD 449. Gada Abdalla Lanham, MD 450. Subhi Abdalla Lanham, MD 451. Maysara Abdalla Lanham, MD 456. Hassan Kober Portland, Maine 457. Issa Dahia Portland, Maine CC: - Secretary of state - Special Envoy - National Security advisor - U.S. Ambassador to U.N. - Members of Congressional Caucus on Sudan and South Sudan - Members of Congressional Black Caucus
   