12-05-2013, 04:29 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
Leader of Sudan liberation Movement / Army refuses participation in Ad
Leader of Sudan liberation Movement / Army refuses participation in Addis Ababa workshop Paris-The leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army, Abdel-Wahid Mohamed Nour, has renewed determination of his movement not to engage in dialogue or negotiation with the regime. In exclusive press statement, Nour said that they have received an invitation to participate in a workshop in Addis Ababa to continue discussions on what was achieved in Arusha, and that the outcomes of this workshop could lead to peace talks between the movements and the Sudanese government. Nour said that that was the reason of our rejection because it is not possible to link the security with the humanitarian situation whether in Addis Ababa or somewhere else. He pointed out that they will not go to the talks unless security is already achieved on the ground. “This is our stance in the Movement/Army of Sudan liberation. And this stance is not negotiable without realization of security on the ground” he stated, adding that any other stance does not represent the movement at all.
