02-23-2016, 05:46 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Kuwaiti ambassador commends relations between his country and the Sudan
04:46 PM February, 23 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, 23 Feb (SUNA) - The ambassador of Kuwait to the Sudan, Tilal Mansour Al- Hajiri, has underlined the strength of relations between his country and the Sudan, saying these relations have of recently witnessed great leaps following exchange of high level visits by officials in the two countries.
The ambassador has pointed out that the top leadership in the Sudan and in Kuwait, President Omar Al Bashir and Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah, the Emir of Kuwait, for the cooperation process between the two countries.
The ambassador pointed out in press statement to the Sudan News Agency SUNA on the occasion of the Kuwait 55th anniversary of independence, its 25th liberation anniversary and the 10th anniversary of the ascension of His Royal Highness to the reign of power in Kuwait, to his country's keenness to foster economic and development relations with all of its Arab and international surroundings.
The ambassador expressed satisfaction as to the current political developments witnessed by the Sudan in the national and societal dialogue currently underway in the Sudan, expressing hope that they would lead to the desired objectives and that stability and peace would prevail in the country and that the Sudanese people would enjoy development, stability and prosperity.
The ambassador pointed to the many Kuwaiti investment projects in the Sudan, including the Kuwait investment in the Kenana Sugar production company, the Coral hotels in Khartoum and in Port Sudan as well as other Kuwaiti investment by the private sector.
The Kuwaiti ambassador has expressed pride over the presence of the Sudanese work force in Kuwait, with Sudanese expatriates spreading in all domains including education, health and technical fields.
The ambassador also touched on the humanitarian and charity work of his country in the Sudan and other areas of the Arab world.
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