11-17-2015, 07:03 PM |
Daily News Egypt
Daily News Egypt
Registered: 03-10-2014
Total Posts: 18
Khartoum calls on Egypt to investigate abuse of Sudanese people
06:03 PM Nov, 17 2015 Sudanese Online Daily News Egypt- My Library Short URL Sudanese parliament foreign affairs committee expressed dissatisfaction on treatment of nationals in Egypt
By Sarah El-Sheikh
The Sudanese parliament discussed with the Egyptian Foreign Ministry the mistreatment of Sudanese nationals in Egypt by Egyptian security forces, according to a statement by the Sudanese Embassy in Cairo.
Head of the Sudanese parliament’s foreign affairs committee Mostafa El-Daw said the parliament is awaiting the response of Egyptian authorities on the reasons behind the arrest of hundreds of Sudanese nationals in Cairo over the last period. He explained that numerous media outlets reported that Sudanese citizens who travel to Egypt for any reason are always exposed to several abuses, either from the people or the Egyptian police.
“Sudanese nationals in Egypt always encounter ill treatment by the Egyptian police. They are stopped on Cairo’s streets and their money is seized. This has recently increased and it’s unacceptable and contradicts the ties and agreements signed between the two states,” the statement read.
El-Daw stressed that Khartoum is capable of defending its citizens’ lives, money and dignity and it will not hesitate to question the Egyptian foreign ministry if it fails to follow up on the case and identify the suspects.
He also confirmed Khartoum’s role in following up on the case, and its keenness to avoid media exaggeration until the situation is cleared up.
“We will always continue treating Egyptian people well since both countries are bigger than any accident or opposition,” El-Daw concluded.
Meanwhile, Sudan’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ali Al-Sadiq ordered the Sudanese Embassy in Cairo to contact Sudanese nationals to ensure they are being treated well.
Al-Sadiq noted that he trusts Egypt’s Foreign Ministry investigations, and confirmed that the strong ties between Khartoum and Cairo will overcome any issue.
Fifteen Africans were found dead and eight others injured 17 km south of Rafah, when they allegedly attempted to illegally flee to Israel from Sinai on Sunday.
According to AP, the African migrants were shot by Egyptian security forces when they ordered them to stop but the migrants continued running towards the borders. It took place during a gun battle between the Egyptian forces and Bedouin smugglers.
There were 33 reported incidents of Egyptian border guards killing migrants in 2007 and 2008 and many others experienced severe physical and psychological abuse from human traffickers, according to the Human Rights Watch figures.
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