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News and Press ReleasesKarouri: more than 903 million dollars, the value of produced gold in the first quarter of current
Karouri: more than 903 million dollars, the value of produced gold in the first quarter of current
05-31-2016, 03:43 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
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Karouri: more than 903 million dollars, the value of produced gold in the first quarter of current
04:43 PM May, 31 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, 31 May (SUNA)- The Minister for Mineral, Ahmed Mohamed Al Sadiq Al Karouri, said the values of the gold produced during the first quarter of current fiscal year stand at 903.15 million dollars, with the production standing at 22,3 tons of gold.
The minister said the production fully met the ceiling predicted by the Ministry of Finance for the first quarter of the fiscal 2016.
The Minister was speaking before the general assembly where he presented the report about his ministry's performance for the first quarter of 2016.
The Minister said arrangements have been completed for installing test laboratory.
The minister said his ministry has streamlined the situation of 28 companies and that the small companies whose concessions duration has expired would be cancelled.
With regards to social responsibility the minister pointed out that some 57 projects have been implemented in the first quarter of the fiscal, including health, water, education, roads and bridges, at a cost of 54.265.456 Sudanese pounds.
The minister said his ministry is currently in the process of refurbishing and updating Sudanese geological, seismic and magnetic charters and maps and that this would involve field visit to over 20 locations, to collect sample and erect stations in those location. Ma/ma
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