Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Peace Initiative press release
05:24 PM July, 21 2017 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL
Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Peace Initiative
Based on the huge historical responsibility laid on us in this precise circumstance of our country history, and our feeling that the interest of the nation in security, stability, peace and development is above any personal ambition or tribal and ethnic greed, and due to difficult, heinous and humiliating social living conditions of our people in IDPs and refugees camps, and realizing that the war is not a goal when we resorted to in the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement, but it was an expression of our feeling to unjust and marginalization according to forced requirements of that phase. Based on the statute of the Justice and Equality Movement, page seven, second chapter and article (2) stipulated: (The Justice and Equality Movement gives priority for the comprehensive just and peaceful solution negotiated upon whenever a willing peace partner is available). As today the government is ready to settle Darfur crisis through the direct dialogue, in harmony with the principles of the movement, we should have to a courageous stance with ourselves to re-read the current local, regional and international scene through a new careful reading with tolerant, open and flexible hearts that does not carry hatred. We possess our complete will as we differ yesterday for the sake of our country and its people no matter we can return today to agree for it without feeling inconvenient, whenever the suitable conditions and real will is provided by the other party during this initiative. The initiative is summarize in the following points:- 1. To build confidence and good intention between the two parties and to immediately declare permanent cease fire, the government has to release prisoners of war (POWs), detainees and convicts from prisons. 2. The movement commits itself on negotiation and dialogue as approach and means to settle disputes, and commits not to return again for using of arms. 3. Prepare to sit for direct negotiation through the Chadian mediation in AL Doha forum without precondition, and dependence on other parties in the international community.
The main issues discussed are: 1. The status of the movement army and how to be absorbed in the national army and other security apparatus. 2. To provide infrastructure, such as water, lighting, roads, education, and health in war-affected areas, to be suitable for IDPS and refugees return, and to seek their compensations. 3. Means to cure injured and disable from the movement army. 4. Agreement on guarantees and specific timetable to implement what has been agreed upon, under the mediator sponsorship and the forum’s sponsor. 5. Regarding the main issues and demands of the movement, it were included in the six items of the national dialogue outcomes specifically that related to permanent constitution of the country, fair, transparent and free elections, and the transitional period, and then peaceful transition of power, identity and balance development etc. And to complete the remaining items through political practice internally with the political forces. 6. The initiative includes all JEM splinter factions during the previous periods for internal causes and still carrying the arms. 7. The initiative welcomes all Darfuri movement factions that are willing not to use violence and acknowledge that the settlement would be through dialogue and direct negotiation, under the Chadian mediation within the AL Doha peace forum.
This initiative if succeeded it would achieve the following positive results: 1. Not to give opportunity for anti-peace internally and externally. 2. To avert the country from slipping into civil wars happening in various neighboring countries. 3. This initiative is to narrow views of the opponent parties in the same country and would result in internal consensus and unifying the social fabrics in Darfur, that are suffering a lot through long years of war. 4. Implementation of this initiative would help in settlement of pending files with international community and to speed lifting of sanctions imposed on Sudan.
Eng. Abubaker Hamid Nur JEM 15 September2016