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News and Press ReleasesJuba denies suspension of exporting oil via Sudanese territories
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Juba denies suspension of exporting oil via Sudanese territories

06-11-2014, 09:16 AM
SudaneseOnline News
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Juba denies suspension of exporting oil via Sudanese territories

    Khartoum-The South Sudan state has said it is not concerned with the visit of the rebel leader Dr. Reik Machar to Khartoum, denying any trend to suspend the joint cooperation agreement between the two countries and stop the exportation of the oil through the Sudanese ports.

    In a statement on Tuesday, the embassy of South Sudan in Khartoum said that the IGAD is the mediator that sponsors the negotiation between Juba and the rebels and it is the sole body that can be addressed in terms of negotiation and mediation.

    The statement added that” we are not concerned with the movements and visits of the rebels and their leaders to the countries of the region as we are communicating through the international channels with the neighbors in the region, especially Sudan on the progress of negotiations”.

    He added that the suspension of agreements and treaties happens through diplomatic channels not through media outlets, saying that there is the IGAD mechanism which the two parties shall return to for solving the obstacles that obstruct the agreement.

    The statement has affirmed that the decision to suspend or stop the exportation of the South Sudan oil through the Sudanese ports is not subject to the view of a single minister in the state’s institution as there are committees and mechanisms the two parties shall go to in order to solve the problems and obstacles.

    The embassy commended the sisterly relations between the two countries, and said that it has been witnessing a remarkable progress in the past period, especially at the level of the political command a matter that necessitates for the media institutions to pave the atmosphere for overcoming the obstacles before the implementation of the agreement and other points that still need a political will.

    In the meantime, a high-level South Sudan delegation from the ministry of petroleum and energy started a visit to Khartoum on Tuesday as part of the continuous discussions between the two ministries a matter that affirms continuity if the flow of oil through the Sudanese territories.

    The statement renewed commitment to the cessation of hostilities agreement and refrain from supporting any media and military activities that are hostile to the neighbors.

    The statement renewed full commitment of Juba to the agreements signed with Sudan in Addis Ababa on the 22nd of September 2012. The statement renewed commitment to work with spirit of fraternity and responsibility to reach a solution to the pending issues, demarcating the Zero point between the two countries and to open the crossings before the movement of trade.

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