Assailant strangles, shouts "Allahu akbar" and "Itbach al-yahud" at passenger, according to report.

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Ethiopian Airlines aircraft. (photo credit:REUTERS)
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Arik Zanuda, a 54-year-old Israeli, was allegedly attacked by a fellow passenger on a flight from Chad to Ethiopia last week, it was revealed on Tuesday.
Zanuda was flying from Chad to Addis Ababa on his way home to Israel last Thursday when a Sudanese Muslim man attacked him, strangling him from behind, according to a report on Israel Radio.
The Sudanese man shouted "Allahu akbar" and "Itbach al-yahud," or "God is great" and "Death to the Jews," and attacked Zanuda.
The flight crew and a Lebanese man assisted in freeing Zanuda, and his assailant was restrained, although he continued to shout at the Israeli man throughout the flight.
Upon landing in Ethiopia, the attacker was detained for questioning while Zanuda underwent a medical examination, and was declared to be in good condition,
The Foreign Ministry was notified of the incident.