09-06-2016, 04:07 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Intl Cooperation Minister lauds COMESA support to Sudan
05:07 PM September, 06 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, Sept. 6 (SUNA) - The Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Kamal Hassan Ali praised the great support which has been provided by the Common Market for East and South African countries (COMESA) to Sudan since 1994 and through which the different project were implemented. This came during the ceremonies of the joint signing, between the Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Kamal Hassan Ali and the COMESA Secretary General Dr. Sandessu Moukna, of the amended document on the Sudan regional integration project within the framework of COMESA, which funded by the European Union (EU). Dr. Ali said that Sudan was one of the most COMESA countries eligible for grants; particularly that Sudan has forwarded all the required documents such as financial contributions and indicators of the application of the COMESA programs. The minister added that COMESA paid to Sudan an amount of 1,249,922 euros out of the 24 million euros to be exploited in the countries of the region for the year 2016. To attain the grant every state has to prepare vital projects and investments and work to expand trade targeting the regional integration as well as encouraging the private sector, adding that this funding comes from the non-exploited amounts in the ninth fund in the European Union. For his part, the State Minister for Foreign Trade Al-Sadiq Mohamed Ali Hassabal-Rasoul stressed the importance of the role that the project could play in supporting Sudan capabilities for promoting its exports and increasing its competitiveness in the markets of the countries of the region, revealing that Sudan also became eligible for receiving $ 1.3 million to be allocated for the same purpose in 2018. The Undersecretary at the Ministry of International Cooperation Al-Tahir Suleiman Edam said that the signing came in line with the Sudan serious endeavour to join the World Trade Organization (WTO), to expand trade and to strengthen the infrastructure of the countries of the region as well as capacity development, emphasizing that Sudan has fulfilled all its obligations towards the COMESA, praising the COMESA role in Sudan, stressing his ministry's cooperation with COMESA. For his part, the COMESA Secretary-General pledged that the organization would provide more support to Sudan, especially in the process of joining WTO, stressing that Sudan has unique comparative advantages in the agricultural, animal and mineral areas that will help in joining the international organization, pointing out to the EU support through COMESA projects of food security and sustainable development.
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