12-28-2016, 09:16 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Heightening Pressure for the Immediate Release of all Political Prisoners in the Sudan From: SADA
09:16 PM December, 28 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL Heightening Pressure for the Immediate Release of all Political Prisoners in the Sudan From: The Sudanese-American Democratic Alliance ((SADA) To: • The United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon • The United Nations Human Rights Council • The European Union Commissioner for Human Rights • The Secretary General of the Arab League • The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) • The U.S. House of Representative Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa • The U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism • The U.S Department of State Bureau of African Affairs • Amnesty International • Human Rights Watch • The Carter Center • The Center for American Progress • The Heritage Foundation • The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars • The Brookings Institution • The Council on Foreign Relations • The Center for Strategic and International Studies • The Hoover Institute • Carnegie Endowment for International Peace • Freedom House
Thanks to the considerable pressure exerted on the local, regional and international levels on the brutal repressive ruling regime of Omer Al-Bashir in Khartoum, on December 25th the government has announced the release of less than 20 political detainees, mostly members of the Sudanese Congress Party, including his leader Mr. Ibrahim Elsheikh and a few others belonging to different political parties and activist forums and groups. The good news is that Mr. Masoud Elhasan whose health condition has alarmingly deteriorated over the last few weeks is finally set free. However, the bad news is there are yet tens of political prisoners who remain incommunicado with no whereabouts known nor are their well-being and health conditions. Among these is Engineer. Sidiq Yousif, a leading figure of the National Consensus Forces (NCF) which comprises the main organized opposition groups and parties. He still remains in custody without trial though he is over 70 years old and suffers from multiple life-threatening health conditions. Other pivotal members of the NCF, the Sudanese Communist Party, the Sudanese Congress Party, The Arab Ba’th Party, Youth activists such as Ahmed El-Dhaiy also continue to be in custody in mostly repressive and humiliating conditions, not only in the capital Khartoum, but also in other provincial cities and capitals, including Portsudan, Atbara, Elgadarif, Kosti, Sinnar, Madani, Elfasher, and Niyala. The List of detainees is still too extensive and worrisome. Mrs. Um Kabas, the iconic embodiment of Sudanese women fighters for justice, change and freedom also remains behind bars ever since her abduction by security agents several weeks ago. More alarming above all is the fact that more detainees are expected to join this already extended list due to the anticipated widening confrontation between opposition groups and the ruling regime over the next weeks. As such, the Sudan American Democratic Alliance (SADA) reiterates its call once again to all those concerned with human rights defense and advocacy locally, regionally and internationally to do their utmost for the fulfillment of the following clear objectives. • The Immediate and unconditional release of all political detainees all over the country, not just in Khartoum. • Halting torture practices and abuse of political detainees in all their forms and manifestations. • Intensifying pressure on the ruling regime for dismantling its notorious “ghost houses” and other clandestine detention centers and ultimately dismantling the institution of political detention itself, including its laws, practices, personnel and facilities. • Ensuring full right to dissent, expression and assembly to all Sudanese citizens without discrimination. Signed by the following SADA Board members: • Abdelsalam Hamid • Salah Agbar • Omer Idris
Date: December 26th 2016
أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 28 ديسمبر 2016
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المنبر العام
الكوز الشفيع وراق، أنت رجل منافق.هذيان في الرمق البعد الاخير"حسين خوجلي" مستودع الأسرار.....هذا ما نخشاه.توفي هذا الصباح هذاالجراح القدير دزاكي الدين احمد حسين له الرحمةعمود الاسبتاليةمبارك الفاضل: الخرطوم قبلت بنقل ال�غاثة عبر (أصوصا) بواسطة المعونة الأميركيةمسؤول حكومي: ال�تحاد الاوروبى يسعى لتحويل السودان �لى سجن كبير للمهاجرينتراجى مصطفى لبوة فى وجه الخنازيراليومين ديّل في موضة اللّت حردآب. والله صحي...السعودية تعتقل الدفينة ماذا يحدث داخل حزب الأمة القومي؟�لى الخبيث الشفيع وراق عبد الرحمن: بخصوص قناتك في اليوتيوبالحركة الشعبية: �دعا�ات مبارك الفاضل مغلوطة وتدعم مواقف النظام رصِيفٌ مُتقرفِصٌ...............خيال مآتة برتبة جنرال............ *من اجمل حكم و اقوال الكاتب الصحفي الساخر / جلال عامر (أمير الساخرين )*نادو لينا البناي يبني لينا الجنة .. يبني طوبة حُب و يرمي مونه محنه ...حزموني و لزموني وخلوني النغادر المنبر ...هموم الحزب الشيوعى السودانى هى القضايا الكبرى التى تهم الشعب والوطن . مع السلامة يا �خوة الوطن ال�سفيرى