Khartoum, Des 10 (Suna)- Following are main headlines of local newspapers on Dec 10*Alayam:Khartoum State: regulations to ensure continuous supplies of cooking gas. The government affirms its commitment to international law to provide assistance to victims of conflict.*Akhbar Alyoum:Finance Ministry denies removal of subsidies on fuel, electricity and flour. *Alray Alaam:Closer of Sudan Embassy in Yemen.Britain maps : Halayeb disputed area belongs to Sudan.Al-Bashir participates in the festival of nationalities in Ethiopian Gambella region.Algeria frees 250 Sudanese miners.*Alintibaha:Rebels seize military base in the South Sudan.*Alwan:First Vice-President: No development in Darfur without peace and security. *Akher Lahza:Al-Bashir returns home after a brief visit to Ethiopia.*Altageer:NCP Party leader: majority Sudan's gold production is smuggled.*Alyoum Altali:Al-Bashir and Dessalines discuss issues of common interest.Khartoum police chief directs to deter traffic offenders and owners of shaded cars.snأحدث المقالات
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