12-29-2015, 08:58 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Hassabo Mohamed Abdul-Rahman Attends Celebration of 26th Anniversary of PDF IN Al-Fasher
07:58 PM Dec, 29 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Al-Fasher, Dec. 29 (SUNA)- Vice - President of the Republic, Hassabo Mohamed Abdul-Rahman, the accompanying delegation, the Wali (governor) of North Darfur State and members of his government, commanders of the regular forces and the delegation of the General Center of the People's Defence Forces (PDF) attended Tuesday at the square of the Sixth Infantry Division in Al-Fasher the celebrations marking the 26th anniversary of the People's Defence Forces and graduation of a new batch of Mujahideen.Addressing the celebration, the Vice - President has lauded the honorable role being played by the People's Defence Forces in supporting the Armed Forces for defending the homeland.He said that Darfur has recovered from war and moved for peace and stability, adding that the People's Defence Forces is required to play a great role in boosting peace and development in Darfur.The celebration was also addressed by the Wali of Darfur State, Abdul-Wahid Yousif, who stressed that all people in Darfur and the People's Defence Forces shall move for rehabilitation, stability and development in Darfur region.The celebration was also addressed by the State Minister at the Ministry of Defence, Gen. Yahia Mohamed Khair, and the Commander of the People's Defence Forces, Maj. Gen. Jaafar Abdul-Aleem, the Coordinator of the People's Defence Forces in North Darfur State, Ahmed Adam Abdul-Gadir.أحدث المقالات- مع اليمن مهما كان بقلم مصطفى منيغ
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