08-05-2014, 04:50 AM |
Gordon Buay
Gordon Buay
Registered: 04-12-2014
Total Posts: 34
For Immediate Release Washington, D.C. August, 3, 2014
South Sudanese in United States and Canada drove for days to come to Washington, D.C. to receive their beloved and democratically elected President, who is attending U.S.—Africa Summit on the governance for future generation in Africa. President Kiir was officially invited by President Barack Obama to attend the summit on the future of the continent.
As a democratically elected President, the people of South Sudan residing in U.S. and Canada decided to converge in U.S. capital to receive their leader. The enthusiasm South Sudanese communities in Canada and U.S had shown is unprecedented. One woman from Nuer community who came from Nebraska said that the reason she came to Washington is to show to President Obama that “the Nuer community supports their democratically elected President”.
Among the South Sudanese who came to Washington, one of them is the grandson of Nuer Prophet Ngundeng, who came for a purpose of educating the Americans on the distortions of his grandfather’s beliefs by renegade Riek Machar. Hon. Gai L. Ngundeng came to Washington hoping to meet President Obama to educate him that “Riek Machar is from a family cursed by Prophet Ngundeng”. The assertion of Ngundeng’s grandson seems to be supported by the violent record of Riek Machar which dated back to 1991 coup against Dr. John Garang, followed by the failed coup of December, 15, 2013.
The South Sudanese who came to Washington to receive their beloved leader are from all the sixty four tribes of the country. Mr. Luk Wargak, who is originally from Burun tribe of Upper Nile state, drove for twelve hours nonstop to come to Washington to receive President Kiir. He said that he was motivated to leave his job by President Kiir’s spirit of unifying South Sudan. Mr. Wargak, who is from a small tribe of not more than twenty thousands, is delighted by the way his tribe is represented in the government of South Sudan. The Burun tribe in Upper Nile had a Deputy Governor from 2011 to June, 2014. Under Governor Simon Kun Puoc, the Burun tribe, despite their tiny number, are over represented in the government of Upper Nile state. He came to Washington to appreciate President Kiir for the inclusive policy he has been implementing since 2005.
A Murle woman from California said that she came to Washington to thank President Kiir for bringing peace in Murle land. She said that she wanted President Barack Obama to appreciate President Kiir for resolving Murle’s problem because the creation of Greater Pibor Administrative Area gave the Murle direct power to deliver services to their people. Murle community will no longer complain about Nuer and Dinka domination in Jonglei state. An Anyuak from Minnesota who came to Washington to receive President Kiir also expressed happiness for the creation of Greater Pibor Area.
On Monday, South Sudanese who converged in Washington to receive President Kiir will entertain the world by showing cultural dances. The Nuer cultural group will be the first to dance at the occasion followed by Acholi. The people of South Sudan want to show to the world that they are united behind the democratically elected President. As President Obama said in January, 2014, any use of force to topple a democratically elected government of South Sudan is illegal and unacceptable to the entire international community.
For contact: Gordon Buay Member of Media Committee and member of Presidential delegation Washington, D.C. Email: [email protected]