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Governor calls on tribes, citizens to accept East Darfur cabinet

09-07-2014, 01:30 AM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

Governor calls on tribes, citizens to accept East Darfur cabinet



    5 Sep

    .) -

    Thousands of people gathered in Adila town, East Darfur, on Friday, following earlier demonstrations which lasted for about a week in Adila, Sharef, and Abu Karinka localities. The demonstrations are aimed against the formation of a new East Darfur State government, and demand the abolition of the state.

    The demonstrators gathered after Friday prayers at 30 mosques in Adila, and moved to the square of Musab bin Omra school, shouting slogans in which they denounced the East Darfur state. Last Wednesday, fierce clashes erupted between Ma’aliya and Rizeigat tribesmen, after Rizeigat reportedly attacked Ma’aliya in Um Rakuba, Abu Karinka locality. Hundreds of people were killed.

    Speaking to Radio Dabanga from Ed Daein, Col. El Tayeb Abdel Karim Ahmed Abdel Karim, the Governor of East Darfur, commented on the calls for the abolition of the state.

    He claimed that the state is not responsible for the separation and abolition of areas, and pointed out that the problem is tribal, and not administrative. For this reason, he appealed via Radio Dabanga to those who call for the abolition of East Darfur state to “resort to the voice of reason”.

    'New, qualified state government'

    Abdel Karim also called upon the Ma'aliya and Rizeigat tribes in East Darfur to overcome their differences and accept the new state government. He stressed that the state has been without a government for about 16 months. “The new and qualified government will take responsibility for the providing of security and health services, and push the peace process between the tribes.”

    On 30 August, Abdel Karim announced the formation of his cabinet in the state capital of Ed Daein. The cabinet will include ten ministers, four advisors, and two commissioners, Deputy Governor Ahmed Kibir told Radio Dabanga.

    'Tribal fights avoided and investigated'

    The Governor stated that he expects more buffer troops to arrive in the state and help avoid new tribal fights. “The troops which are currently deployed on the ground are successful in separating the warring parties, and operate with a high efficiency in towns throughout East Darfur.”

    Regarding the new committee of inquiry formed by the Ministry of Justice, to investigate the crimes that took place between the Ma'aliya and Rizeigat, the Governor asked the citizens of East Darfur to cooperate and provide the committee with all information.

    Photo above (by a Radio Dabanga correspondent): A mass moves to the Musab Bin Omra school square, Adila, after Friday prayers, to demonstrate against the formation of a new East Darfur State government, and demanded the abolition of East Darfur State, on Friday 5 September 2014.

    Below: The demonstration at Adila in East Darfur.


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