06-29-2016, 08:03 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Government Informs US Envoy about its Visions on Roadmap and Dialogue
08:03 PM June, 29 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, June 29 (SUNA)- Assistant of the President of the Republic, Engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud, has informed the American envoy for Sudan and South Sudan, Donald Booth, about Sudan visions concerning the African Union's roadmap and the national dialogue for achieving peace and stability in Sudan. In a press statement after his meeting with the US for Sudan Wednesday at the Republican Palace, Engineer Mahmoud said that he conveyed to the envoy Sudan welcome to participation of any person in the national dialogue and that the opportunity for the national dialogue is still open. He said that the meeting came in the context of the continuous consultation between the government and the American envoy. He indicated that the meeting has focused on ways to encourage the People's Movement, Menni Arko Menawi, Jibril Ibrahim and Saddiq Al-Mahdi to sign the roadmap. The Assistant of the President said that the roadmap is not an agreement, but a roadmap to draw up the way for peace through peaceful means that will begin by cessation of hostilities and ceasefire, discussion of the national issues via the national dialogue with participation of the different political parties and a meeting between the dialogue mechanism and groups mentioned in the roadmap for joining the dialogue. Meanwhile, Engineer Mahmoud expected the other party to sign the roadmap after the clarifications that were provided by the government on the roadmap, indicating that the roadmap does not need appendix because it is not an agreement. He said that the African Union's High-Level Implementation Panel has set August 6 as date for holding the General Conference of the national dialogue. Booth has meanwhile pointed out in statement that they had "a very productive meeting" with the assistant of the president on how we can move forward on the implementation of the road map which was agreed by the government back in March and the efforts to moving forwards on the road map and on terms of the national dialogue which will be "inclusive". He said they also exchanged views and ideas on how to move forwards on "the peace processes in the two areas (blue Nile and Nuba Mountains) and in Darfur" Booth said he has some "Very good exchange of views and ideas on how to move those processes forwards"
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