11-22-2017, 01:23 AM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Finance Ministry reveals key guidelines for budget of 2018
00:23 AM November, 21 2017 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL

Khartoum, Nov. 21 (SUNA) - The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning has revealed that the key guide of the fiscal year 2018 budget would be the rationalization of government spending and resources orientation towards both productive and basic services sectors. The ministry set the end of November as the last date for receiving the aggregate budget of each state in preamble to the preparation of the comprehensive budget of the state. The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Dr. Mohamed Osman al-Rikabi stressed, in the plenary meeting in the ministry premise Tuesday, the importance of the comprehensive budget of the national reconciliation government, stressing that the item number one in the budget is the livelihood of people and the first concern is the education and health sectors, pointing out that the improvement of the education performance indicators is a basic goal of the budget. Dr. Al-Rikabi pledged the federal government supports for the efforts of the states in disbursing and facilitating funding for the education, health and water sectors as they are priority. The Minister of Finance revealed the state's tendency to establish a comprehensive educational renaissance as to be the basis for development, adding that the country's development and progress is based on education, so it is necessary to increase spending on it and integrate the roles between the center and the states in the planning and financing for the education development nationwide. He gave directives to the states to optimally use and attract more resources for education to improve the situation of Sudan in this area through the performance indicators that were reviewed during the meeting in the context of the integration of government efforts with the World Bank to continue the project on the reinforce of the basic education and the preparation of the Strategic Plan for Education during 2018-2022. The minister praised the efforts of the World Bank and the grant it gave for the development of education sector, calling on the Bank to attract more resources and funding for the education in the states. BH/BH