07-03-2016, 08:10 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
FM: US State Department Report on Human Trafficking around the World lacks correct information abou
08:10 PM July, 03 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, July 3 (SUNA) - The Sudan on Sunday said the recent USA annual report on the status of human trafficking around the World, 2016, lacked correct information with regard to the situation in the Sudan.
In a statement it issued in Khartoum the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that report has sought to distort the image of the country in area where the Sudan has scored outstanding achievements in standing against recruitment of children and human trafficking.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has pinpointed in the statement it issued on Sunday that UN Secretary General reports on children and armed conflicts reaffirmed that it is not a policy of the armed forces of the Sudan to recruit children and showed there was no systematic recruitment of children in the country.
The statement which was issued by the office of the official Spokesman at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said Sudan signed the Plan of Action preventing the recruitment of children in March 27th 2016, based on the Presidential Decision No 77 for the year 2016.
It related that this plan of action seeks to prevent children from recruitment or use in armed conflict, as the national laws incriminate anybody who recruit a people under 18 year within the ranks of the different Sudanese Armed Forces, and that this is stipulated in the Sudanese Armed Forces Act for the year 2007, the Police Act for the year 2008 and the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) Act as well as the Popular Defense Forces Act.
The reports of the UN Secretary General, the statement went on to say, reaffirm that there was no policy within the Sudanese Armed Forces to recruit children and that there are no cases of regular recruitment of children within the Sudan.
With regards to the Sudan efforts in combating human trafficking, the reports said Sudan is engaged in intensive efforts that showed its cooperation with the international community in this regards.
The Sudan, it stated has hosted in the year 2005, the UN Special Conference in Trans-National Crimes, a conference known as the Khartoum Operation, and which considered human trafficking as one of its element. Sudan also joined the agreement on Trans- National Crimes, expressing no reservation rather, it said; Sudan has convinced a number of countries to sign the agreement, on the basis of its conviction of the importance of the agreement.
The statement said the Sudanese government has also issued the Anti-Human Trafficking Act for the year 2014, stipulating harsh punishment that amount to death penalty in some cases. A National Committee on Human Trafficking was also formed and a number of state laws have been enacted to combat human trafficking in the states such as the Red Sea State and Kasala State in Eastern Sudan. The National Council for Child Welfare formed a Federal government committee, to combat child trafficking and illegal migration.
The statement stressed that Sudan has also hosted a conference on combating illegal migration in 2015.
This same conference, the statement said, issued the Khartoum Declaration and in that event EU expressed desire to cooperate with the Sudan, and consequently the EU declared Sudan to be one of the most cooperating countries in the field of combating illegal migration and human trafficking in the region.
It said the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Sudan took part in the Malta Conference on Human Trafficking after which a number of European senior officials paid visit to the Sudan, reaffirming that Sudan stands as an exemplary model for a combating illegal migration and human trafficking.
The statement argued that in addition to all these steps a number of legal mechanisms were formed at the federal and state levels in the Sudan, based on the Sudan law on combating illegal human trafficking, working in closely with each other.
This, the statement stressed, means the international community has to honor its repeated pledges towards the Sudan in order for the country to be able to carry out its commitments towards human trafficking and illegal migration.
The statement stressed that despite the fact the American report was biased against the Sudan, and tried, intentionally and deliberately, to disfigure the positions and stands of the Sudan with regards to these important issues, Sudan remains determined to honor its pledges towards the international community and the European Union in particularly and it will stay committed to the international laws it has signed and will furthermore hold to its position of effective partner with the international community in face of those vital questions.
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