The residents of Oseif in Halayeb locality, near the border of Sudan’s Red Sea state with Egypt complain of electricity blackouts, while Port Sudan’s water crisis has now lasted for months.
Mohammed El Hassan Okeir, one of the notables of Oseif, told Radio Dabanga that most of the city districts are living in total darkness as the electricity generators have gone out of service.
He said that a large number of electricity pylons of the East Reconstruction Project have been blown-down by strong winds, adding that the East Fund promised to supply electricity next year.
He attributed the service crisis in the city to the negligence of the Red Sea state Government.
Port Sudan
The drinking water crisis in a number of districts of Port Sudan has increased significantly in recent days.
Journalist Osman Hashim told Radio Dabanga that a number of blocks of the districts of Deim El Nur, Shagar, Salobona, Abu Hashish, El Safa and Imtidad El Matar are suffering from an acute drinking water crisis. He pointed out that a number of blocks of El Hadl district have been suffering from lack of water for years.
He attributed the crisis to problems in the water lines, explaining that the Water Corporation was unable to resolve the problem, despite changing the water network in some districts.