Khartoum, April 19 (SUNA) - The Secretary General of the National Fund for Housing and Development and First Deputy Chairman of the Arab Union for Investment and Real Estate Development Dr. Gholamuddin Othman Adam has announced that the Union and Sudan have held agreements with a number of Turkish companies working in the field of housing and infrastructure in various fields. Dr. Gholamuddin pointed out that the coming period would witness mutual visits between the two sides to conclude agreements in the final form with more details in order to crystallize the cooperation relations between the two sides and start implementation of partnerships between them. He explained, in an interview with SUNA about the outcome of his visit to the State of Turkey in the past two days, accompanied by Dr. Sheikh Ahmed Al-Suwaidin, President of the Arab Union for Investment and Real Estate Development, the visit was successful and included several coordination meetings with companies such as Bimtash, Kimtash and Kolian. Dr. Gholamuddin stressed that the meetings discussed ways of joint cooperation with the Union on one hand and Sudan as the host country of the Union on the other hand. He pointed out to the importance of strengthening the Arab-Turkish relations in general and the Turkish-Sudanese cooperation in particular in the field of real estate. Explaining that the Turkish companies expressed their readiness to cooperate in this regard and expressed their appreciation for this visit and their readiness to visit the Sudan to identify opportunities for joint cooperation on the ground and signing contracts serving the peoples of the two countries. BH/BH
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