12-22-2015, 06:38 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Dr. Al-Karuri stresses Sudan's determination to develop economic and political ties with Russia
06:38 PM Dec, 22 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Khartoum, Dec. 22 (SUNA) - The Minister of Minerals, Chairman of the Sudanese Side in the Meetings of the Sudanese-Russian Ministerial Committee for Economic, Commercial, Cultural and Artistic Cooperation, Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Sadiq Al-Karuri, has affirmed determination of Sudan to develop economic and political relations with Russia to wider horizons, vowing to find solutions for all obstacles facing cooperation between the two countries.He said, when he addressed concluding session of the meetings at Corinthia Hotel in Khartoum Tuesday, that the trade balance was not commensurate with the potentials of the two countries, hoping that the balance of trade reaches figure satisfies the ambition of both peoples.He pointed out that the Ministerial Committee formed in the year 2013 has the support of the leadership of the two countries, adding that the third session came to activate cooperation in the fields of minerals, oil, investment, banking, transport, roads and bridges, communications, food security and cultural cooperation.Dr. Al-Karuri revealed that what distinguished this session was the distinctive presence of the Russian private sector in the meetings, referring to the availability of investment opportunities in all fields as Sudan enjoys potentials need to be exploited, pledging to include the decisions of the meetings into touchable plans of action and cooperation for the benefit of the two peoples. For his part, Mr. Sergei Dinescuy, the Chairman of the Russian Side, expressed the Russian side's desire to strengthen areas of cooperation in all fields and that they would work to achieve the objectives of the committee and to upgrade it to a higher level.He said that they were ready to work in the fields of electricity, minerals, communications and agriculture, referring to the remarkable progress of the joint cooperation between the two countries, hoping success to all projects that have been agreed upon. أحدث المقالات- أغلبية الرأي العام ضد التطرف الديني والتطرف العلماني بقلم فيصل الدابي المحامي
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