03:51 PM February, 29 2016 Sudanese Online
SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan
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with this released statement we confirmed the details of kadugli Dilling highway ambush by SPLM/N forces Salara sector under command of Brg.Gen/ Daud Ashaya Alful and direct command of Let. col/ Yasin Husien Abdalla and 2nd lt./ Mohamed Babo in Samasim area of Habila County, 21 enemy soldiers left dead on the ground among them Cpt. Khalid Gahbosh, 2nd lt./ Motasim and S/M. Tira and SPLA/N ceased one 12.5 m.g, one RPG-7, one PKM MG, one mortar 60mm. in our side one soldier slightly wounded wish him quick recovery.SPLM/N has monitored NCP forces and militias movements and preparations to launch their offensive against the liberated areas, kill, displce inocent people and loot their properties, the assembled forces in Alrahmania area have been moved to Alfaid Um-Abdalla area, replaced the 1rst reserve bergade of Khorsana which intended to be moved to kadugli with RSF militias, the assembled Talodi convoy and many others convoys closely monitoring by our forces, we assure that SPLM/N forces in high alert to defend un-arm civilians and their properties and heavily defeat them.
Arnu Ngutulu Lodi
SPLM/N official spokesman
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