02-19-2016, 06:49 AM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 2162
Darfur Union in the UK Stands on the Proposed €100 million Grant to Sudan to Tackle Migration
05:49 AM February, 19 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL News have surfaced over the last few days that the African Union will be pledging 1.8 billion euros (granted by the European Union and International Community) to tackle the migration crisis, mainly from Africa to Europe. 100 million euros will be directed to Sudan to implement policies and projects that will help limit the flow of migrants from/ travelling through the country. The initiatives failed to acknowledge the root cause for migration in Africa in general and in Sudan to be specific. The latter' government has been waging war against its people over the last year two decades. In 2008, Sudan had 6 million internally displaced people, which was the world record for that year. Coming forward to today, millions of Sudanese are living in desperate situations in refugee and internally displaced persons (IDP) camps, hoping and praying in all their different languages for a save refuge. The world occasionally tunes in to the daily atrocities taking place across Sudan: aerial bombardment, displacement and rape which are concentrated in three main areas, Darfur, the Nuba Mountains and in Blue Nile State. Victims have become numerical figures, the lucky ones are recorded in dusty books, others are not listed at all, the recording pens having dried out. Also, let’s not forget the masses of young men and women who cry out “we have had enough of killing, injustice, insecurity, harassment, corruption and unemployment” only to face a death sentence for doing so at the hands of the Regime. At this critical time thousands of Sudanese diaspora are scattered around the globe, and many more are seeking way out to escape the aforementioned destinies. In conclusion, the proposed funding, which is in its way to Sudan is highly likely going to be used directly on indirectly to finance the war waged against the innocent population. Furthermore, the government of Sudan has no control over the country's borders because of the war it wages in three regions. As a result, Sudan has became a sieve for all passers by, and any talks of real statistics of how many persons travelling/ crossing through the country is far away from accurate, and it's a wrong guesstimate at best. Only recently, as of the 9th of February 2016, "The U.N. Security Council extended for one year a panel of experts monitoring violations of the UN arms embargo in Darfur" ref. http://goo.gl/W5vWLhhttp://goo.gl/W5vWLh
This action was a direct result of the Sudan government escalation of violence in Darfur region. Therefore, the track record of current government does suggest that the the money should be upheld as it will only results in more and more people migrating to flee the horror of war to seek safer refuge for themselves and their loved ones. Please refer to links below to our recent reports from the ground with regards to the heinous crime committed against our people (ref. http://wp.me/p77ak4-5qhttp://wp.me/p77ak4-5q. As of the 17th of February 2016, UN OCHA have reported up to 73000 civilians fleeing the violence in Western Darfur.
We plea to the European Union to reconsider their proposed plans, and to halt the payment of the proposed grant to the government of Sudan, which will end contributing to the displacement of the innocent people of Sudan.
Kind regards, Osama Mahmoud Deputy Press Officer for Darfur Union the United Kingdom Website: http://darfurunionuk.wordpress.comhttp://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com Email: [email protected] Twitter: @Darfurunionuk
A reminder that our next event to commemorate the 7th anniversary of Bashir Indictment by the ICC will take place on Sunday the 6th of March, 2016. Please visit our website for more details.
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