01-12-2014, 07:14 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
Constitutional protection of human rights seminar
Faculty of Law Training, Scientific and External Relations Unit, University of Khartoum In Collaboration with the Sudan Human Rights Monitor Seminar The Constitutional Protection of Human Rights in Sudan: Challenges and Future Perspectives وحدة التدريب والبحث العلمى والعلاقات الخارجية بكلية القانون جامعة الخرطوم بالتعاون مع المرصد السودانى لحقوق الأنسان سمنار الحماية الدستورية لحقوق الأنسان فى السودان: تحديات وروى مستقبلية قاعة الشارقة, الأربعاء 15 يناير 2014، الساعة العاشرة صباحآ حتى الخامسة مساءآ Program Wednesday 15 January, Sharja Hall, 10 am-5pm 9:30-100 am Registration 10:00- 10:15 am Opening Remarks Representative of Human Rights Monitor Representative of the Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum 10:15- 12:00 am First Panel: Chair: Dr. Abuzer El gifari Bashir Associate professor, Head Commercial Law Department
10:15- 10:45 am Sudanese constitutions and Constitutionalism, the Protection of Rights and Rule of Law Dr. Amin Mekki Medani, Lawyer and Former Representative of the UN Office of the High Commissioners for Human Rights 10:45- 11: 15 am Why Constitutional Bills of Rights fail to protect Civil and Political Rights in Sudan? Conflicting Rights, Gaps and ‘Arrested’ Reception of International Human Rights Law Dr. Mohamed Abdelsalam, Associate Professor of Law, Head, International and Comparative Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum 11:15- 12:00 noon Discussion 12:00- 12:30 pm Lunch Break 12:30- 13:30 Second Panel: Chair, Dr. Tayeb Murkaz, Associate Professor Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum 12:00- 12:30 am Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the Constitutional Bill of Rights in the Sudan the Interim National Constitution, 2005 Ahmed AbdelGadir Ahmed Lecturer, Head, Public Law Department 13:00:13:30 pm Women Rights in the Constitution Bill of Rights: Issues of Status, Equality and Non-Discrimination Ebtisam Sanhouri Lecturer of Constitutional Law and Human Rights Faculty of Law, Khartoum University, Public Law Department 13:00: 14: 00 pm Discussion
14: 00: 14: 15 pm Tea Break
14:15-16:00 pm Third Panel: Chair, Dr. Tayeb Murkaz, Associate Professor Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum 14:15- 14:45 am Children Rights and the Forthcoming Constitutional Bill of Rights of Sudan Dr. Khadeija Elsheik Assistant Professor, International and Comparative Law Department, Faculty of Law University of Khartoum 14:45: 15:15 am The Sudanese Constitutional Courts and the International Bill of Rights Dr. Ali Suliman Fadlalla, Associate Professor of Law, Former Dean, Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum 15: 15: 16:00 pm Discussion 16:00- 14:15 pm Recommendations /Concluding Session
Your participation in the conference proceedings is highly appreciated.
