08:49 PM March, 16 2016 Sudanese Online
Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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Khartoum, March 16 (SUNA) - In its regular meeting held Wednesday at the Cabinet's premises headed by the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Badr-Eddin Mahmoud, the Economic Development Sector of the Council of Ministers approved a Loan Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Saudi Fund for Development at 450 million Saudi riyals to contribute to the project of rainwater harvesting to combat thirst at the Sudanese countryside.
Meanwhile, sector reviewed a report on the Electronic Collection Project, explaining that the project has achieved the desired objectives despite the challenges it faced, where the revenues increased by 24%, adding the reports showed an increase in collection in all states, where the average increase was 26%.
The meeting underscored the need to exploit solar energy and communication networks t apply the electronic collection system in the peripheral areas. The meeting also reviewed two reports on computerization of tax system's project and the one treasury system..
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