CRS refutes anonymous reports that it is providing support to rebel movements in Sudan
04:55 PM February, 23 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL
CRS refutes anonymous reports that it is providing support to rebel movements
February 22, Nairobi, Kenya -- Catholic Relief Services (CRS) categorically rejects recent reports that the agency, which has provided humanitarian assistance in Sudan since 1978, is in any way providing support to any armed groups, the subject of an article in Russia Today. CRS operates in complete neutrality as a humanitarian agency and is committed to its humanitarian mandate in Darfur.
Contrary to the article’s insinuation, CRS followed proper procedures in reporting the disappearance of four radio antennas, which had been retired from use and were being stored in CRS offices in Geneina, West Darfur State. These four antennas were part of a set of communication equipment that CRS was working to transfer to the relevant authorities in Khartoum in accordance with the Humanitarian General Directory of Procedure Guidelines and the National Telecommunication Cooperation regulation. CRS confirms that only the antennas are missing and that the rest of the communication equipment remains in inventory and ready for a planned transfer to authorities.
As soon as the disappearance of these antennas came to the attention of CRS management on Feb. 4, immediate steps were taken to inform the government and to launch an internal investigation into the matter. The missing or stolen items were not ‘sophisticated devices,’ as reported, but antennas meant to allow humanitarian actors to remain in contact with their base offices while in the field. These antennas had been removed prior to the approved donation of the vehicles to local partners.
CRS has launched its own internal investigation that is now ongoing. CRS has deployed an anti-fraud team and again underlines that the agency is fully committed to working in total transparency with the government of Sudan to clarify the situation. Catholic Relief Services remains in close contact with the Sudanese government, and remains fully open to working with these partners to resolve the matter and to eventually bring theft charges against the responsible person or persons.
CRS has a wide range of programs in Sudan, including helping to provide for the emergency food, water, education, shelter and other needs of internally displaced people in West and Central Darfur through food distributions, school feeding programs, latrine rehabilitation and infrastructure projects. CRS assisted over 1.3 million people in Sudan in fiscal year 2014 and remains committed to the people of Sudan and to its goal of assisting those people most in need. Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. The agency alleviates suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. CRS’ relief and development work is accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and peacebuilding. For more information, visit www.crs.org or www.crsespanol.org and follow Catholic Relief Services on social media: Facebook, Twitter at @CatholicRelief and @CRSnews, Google+, Pinterest and YouTube.
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