10-24-2017, 10:43 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
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As Ambassador Haley Visits South Sudan Tomorrow, Enough Project Urges Financial Pressures on Leader
10:43 PM October, 24 2017 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL
October 24, 2017 (Washington, DC) – U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is expected to arrive on Wednesday in South Sudan as part of her trip to Africa.
Experts and analysts from the Enough Project and its investigative initiative, The Sentry, are available for comment and analysis. The Sentry has documented how key leaders in South Sudan have expropriated state resources for their own financial benefit, as the people of South Sudan suffer from displacement, war and severe food shortages.
John Prendergast, Founding Director at the Enough Project and Co-Founder of the Sentry, said: “To create leverage for peace, Ambassador Haley should work with allies to impose biting consequences on the leaders of governments or rebel groups and their networks of collaborators who undermine peace, orchestrate war crimes, repress fundamental rights, and steal the natural resource wealth of their countries. There has to be a price for intransigence, and the U.S. has the underutilized policy tools to begin to exact that price.”
Brian Adeba, Deputy Director of Policy at the Enough Project, said: “As IGAD works on revitalizing the South Sudan peace process, the United States should use its leverage to ensure that all parties with grievances should be represented at the table. An inclusive peace process is vital to stemming the cycle of violence perpetuated by failed peace processes.”
Read Prendergast’s new op-ed in Fox News on Ambassador Haley’s trip to Africa: ‘Mission Possible’ for Fixing Peacemaking Model Read Enough’s latest report on South Sudan: Breaking Out of the Spiral in South Sudan: Anti-Money Laundering, Network Sanctions, and a New Peacemaking Architecture. In the report, Enough recommends a new strategy for achieving sustainable peace, and to address the metastasizing crisis in South Sudan. Read The Sentry’s recent investigative reports on South Sudan: War Crimes Shouldn’t Pay: Stopping the Looting and Destruction in South Sudan Making a Fortune While Making a Famine: The Illustrative Case of a South Sudanese General For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact: Greg Hittelman, Director of Communications, +1 310 717 0606, [email protected].
About THE ENOUGH PROJECT – an anti-atrocity policy group
The Enough Project supports peace and an end to mass atrocities in Africa’s deadliest conflict zones. Together with its investigative initiative The Sentry, Enough counters armed groups, violent kleptocratic regimes, and their commercial partners that are sustained and enriched by corruption, criminal activity, and the trafficking of natural resources. By helping to create consequences for the major perpetrators and facilitators of atrocities and corruption, Enough seeks to build leverage in support of peace and good governance. Enough conducts research in conflict zones, engages governments and the private sector on potential policy solutions, and mobilizes public campaigns focused on peace, human rights, and breaking the links between war and illicit profit. Learn more – and join us – at www.EnoughProject.org.
About THE SENTRY – an investigative initiative of the Enough Project
The Sentry is composed of best-in-class financial forensic investigators, policy analysts, and regional experts who follow the dirty money and build investigative cases focusing on the corrupt transnational networks most responsible for Africa’s deadliest conflicts. By creating a significant financial cost to these kleptocrats through network sanctions, anti-money laundering measures, prosecutions, and other tools, The Sentry aims to disrupt the profit incentives for mass atrocities and oppression, and creates new leverage in support of peace efforts and African frontline human rights defenders. The Sentry’s partner, the Enough Project, undertakes high-level advocacy with policy-makers around the world as well as wide-reaching education campaigns by mobilizing students, faith-based groups, celebrities, and others. Co-founded by George Clooney and John Prendergast, The Sentry is an initiative of Not On Our Watch (NOOW) and the Enough Project. The Sentry currently focuses its work in South Sudan, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, and the Central African Republic.
In less than two years, The Sentry has created hard-hitting reports and converted extensive research into a large volume of dossiers on individuals and entities connected to grand corruption, violence, or serious human rights abuses. The investigative team has turned those dossiers over to government regulatory and law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and around the world, as well as to compliance officers at the world’s largest banks.
Learn more at www.TheSentry.org.