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Al-Bashir to address the opening session of the Activities of the Sixth Session of the National Leg

09-26-2017, 00:56 AM
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Al-Bashir to address the opening session of the Activities of the Sixth Session of the National Leg

    00:56 AM September, 26 2017

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    Darfur Union in the UK: Kalma IDP Refusal To Welcome Bashir Met with a Massacre in South Darfur at the Hands of the Government of Sudan

    Bashir and his government have planned to end the month of September by showing the whole world that the people of Sudan in Darfur do rally behind them. Bashir decided to visit Darfur, particularly IDP camp’s such as Kalma , the largest in southern Darfur on Sept. 22nd. The chiefs of the Kalma IDP camps made it clear that the people in Kalma were not happy to meet Bashir, the perpetrator, the orchestrator of genocide against the people of Sudan in Darfur. They made it clear that they prefer for Bashir to go to the International Criminal Court to face justice as shown in photos accompanying this statement. Bashir delayed his visit there to Kalma and decided to start his trip by l visiting West Darfur and the governor there gathered some people for him to meet. The speech by Bashir was incoherent and as per usual he was blaming everyone but his government for the war in Sudan. He continued to say that he will encourage the governor of West Darfur, Fadel Almoula Elhija, to kick start the conversion of the IDP camps in his state to mini towns/ districts to resettle the people there. Not at any point he mentioned the return of the people to their original lands or compensations. One direct quote from his speech was “the war on Darfur has cost Sudan many lives, so we will invest in setting up midwifery so to that the people of the Darfur in these IPD camps will reproduce and deliver babies in a correct, healthy manors to repopulate Darfur” end of quote.

    Still not welcome in Kalma IDP camp

    It has become clear that the people of Sudan in Kalma were not going to bow to government pressure to receive Bashir with open arms. Bashir ego was hurt and decided to go there. A few miles north the camp, the local government orchestrated/ setup a small rally consist of Rapid Speed Force (RSF) personals and others in showcase to media that Bashir made the visit and he was welcomed by locals. In the camp, the people stood peacefully and carried posters calling for the visit to be cancelled and the perpetrator is not welcome there. The government then ordered RSF militia backed by Apache helicopters to teach the people of Sudan in Kalma a lesson.
    Live round of ammunition were fired at the bare chested civilians which lead to killing of 5 persons. 25 others were injured and 6 more were unaccounted for as reports suggested that they were kidnapped by the Rapid Speed Forced.
    Below are the lists of casualties, dead and injured

    List of dead persons

    1. Ishag Abakar Adam , 65 years old, Centre 6
    2. Ibrahim Adam Idriss , 38 years old , Centre 4
    3. Arafa Mohammed Adam , 48 years old, Centre 2
    4. Ishag Salih Adam , 65 years, Centre 7
    5. Fatima Adam Salih , 35 years old, Centre 6

    List of Injured persons

    1. Abdelsalam Ishag old, 67 years old, Centre 6
    2. Mohammed Adam Omer Mahmoud, 17 years old, Centre 6
    3. Ammar Adam Abdelmoula, 17 years old, Centre 3
    4. Imam Abdel Mahmoud Abdel Gabar, 22 years old, Centre 2
    5. Haitham Dawoud Belal, 18 years old, Centre 3
    6. Suliman Adam Eltahir, 20 years old, Centre 6
    7. Wali Eddin Abbaker Ismail, 14 years old, Centre 5
    8. Jiddo Omer Abdelshafi, 35 years old, Centre 2
    9. Yagoub Mahmoud Abbaker, 43 years old, Centre 2
    10. Hassan Adam Mohammed Abdallah, 50 years old, Centre 2
    11. Mohammed Mahmoud Badawi, 25 years old, Centre 2
    12. Hussien Ibrahim Abu Algasim, 35 years, Centre 7
    13. Musa Ishag Jumma, 24 years, Centre 4
    14. Hassan Hussien Mustafa, 26 years old, Centre 6
    15. Yassir Yousif Mahmoud, 25 years old, Centre 4
    16. Ishag Shareef, 62 years old, Centre 7
    17. Yousif Adam Abdelrahman, 36 years old, Centre 7
    18. Yousif Ibrahim Omer, 19 years old, Centre 6
    19. Abdelbaggi Haroun Eissa, 46 years old, Centre 2
    20. Al-sudi Omer Idriss Ishag, 29 years old, Centre 1
    21. Kaltoma Omer, 23 years old, Centre 2
    22. Fatima Adam Abdel Rahman, 52 years old, Centre 2
    23. Hawa Musa Haroun, 36 years old, Centre 1
    24. Nasir Eddin Mohammed Omer Zakaria, 43 years old, Centre 4
    25. Suliman Adam Altahir, 55 years old, Centre 4

    As a result the intended rally was further delayed by GoS. However, the situation is still tense and more government retaliation is expected.

    UNAMID has issued a statement calling for “restraint in clashes between government forces and internally displaced at Kalma camp, South Darfur” (ref. 3). In the case of GoS against the people of Sudan in Darfur, the marginalised people of Sudan, the legislator, the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge and the enforcer are all tied to the GoS and they never deviate from the tight line drawn by the government.

    Furthermore, Bashir regime continuous flirtatious behaviour with international community with regards to terrorism and migration provided them with some immunity from questioning when it comes to the human rights violations.

    The longest ongoing genocide in Darfur has entered its 14-15th year and the silence is deafening. Nonetheless, our people always strives for unity with other fellow Sudanese to promote our just case and to pursue the justice against the perpetrators.

    Darfur Union in the UK will continue to knock on all important doors in attempts to exert more pressure on the GoS to stop the prosecution of our people, to stop the genocide. Also, there a huge responsibility on the people of Sudan to unite, and for the opposition to take a lead and be more vocal when it comes to the safety of the vulnerable people.

    The international community lead by the US, UK, EU and UN should be very wary of rewarding the GoS any political or economical gains which will signal full endorsement of GoS actions on the ground.
    GoS have not fulfil the criteria for the economic sanctions to be lifted. This decision should be directly tied with human rights situation in the country which is beyond dire at the moment.

    It is a worth reminder that ca. 40 organisations, individuals and governments across the world had submitted written and oral evidence with regards to the relationship between UK and GoS, and the evidence was submitted to the APPG . Darfur Union in the UK was one of the organisations to summit evidence which argued against the continuing of bilateral relationship between Her Majesty's Government and the Government of Sudan (lead by the ICC indictee Omer Al-Bashir). One of the main evidence was GoS harbouring terrorist organisations and providing gateway to ISIS (see Ref. 1). For example the notorious militia from Uganda, the Lord’s Resistance Army, is said to reside in southern Darfur - Bahar Al-Arab area, just near the border of South Sudan. Recently, unconfirmed reports have surfaced of ISIS cells in eastern and north western Darfur. Despite all of this, it is still proposed that Sudan is given resources to act as a gatekeeper with regards to refugees from the Horn of Africa.

    Furthermore, the Sudanese regime gave permission for ISIS to establish a club at the University of Medical Sciences and Technology in Khartoum. The government continues to provide sanctuary to terrorists and serves as a fertile recruitment ground for ISIS (as highlighted by the US State Department). For instance, 21 British Sudanese students studying at that very university have joined ISIS to participate in the jihadi war waged against the innocent citizens of the world (Reported in the Guardian, the Telegraph, BBC, and correspondence of the FCO).

    In conclusion, diplomacy and negotiations are often the best approaches to solve problems, overcome atrocities, and to bring about a lasting peace that would help in healing the wounds and despair of war. However, justice is an ever accompanying factor of peace in the formula of stability. Both usually go side by side.
    The government of Sudan has committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur, and currently they are repeating the same scenario in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile State. The war in Darfur is not over yet and scores of people fled western Darfur to IDP camps across the province over the 2nd quarter of 2017. Damning evidence of systematic rape, killing, abuse, torture and imprisonment have been provided by NGOs and whistleblowers who used to work for organisations such as UNAMID. Also our students in universities and colleagues across Sudan are facing selected targeting based on ethnicity (see ref. 2). We plea to international powers (US, UK, EU) to rethink there position regarding the government of Sudan and its dealing with President Bashir, an ICC indictee. Furthermore, we ask them to continue it support with respect to the following:

    The international community should continue its support of the international criminal court and also should push countries not to receive President Bashir for visits. There should be a push to urge the ICC to amend arrest warrants in light of recent atrocities and consider advocating for expansion of the mandate to include atrocities committed in South Kordofan, Blue Nile, and other parts of Sudan.

    The process of restructuring UNAMID was hit by severe cuts which in turn will reduce the function of the unit. We ask the US in particular to push for the reform of the unit and to keep funding UNAMID so that the force can be a fully oriented towards protecting Darfur’s IDPs, and also to be more committed and accurate in documenting and addressing the aerial bombardment against civilians.

    The peace process and negotiations needs an independent mediator. We ask the major powers to be part of the process given there ties with Sudan through out the recent history. This is due to the current mediators seeming bias towards protecting dictatorships in the region.

    Press Office - Darfur Union in the UK
    Website: https://darfurunionuk.wordpress.comhttps://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Twitter handle: @darfurunionuk

    Ref. 1: UK – Sudan Relations – Interests vs. Atrocities and Human Rights Abuses

    Ref. 2: The Continuum of Targeting Sudanese Youth and Students from Darfur Across Sudan by GoS: The University of Bakhtalruda Incident as an Example

    Ref. UNAMID calls for restraint in clashes between government forces and internally displaced at Kalma camp, South Darfur

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