07-10-2017, 11:09 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Agriculture State Minister: Meetings of Technical Committee of (AARDO) Programs Important Event
11:09 PM July, 11 2017 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL

Khartoum, July 9 (SUNA) The State Minister of the Agriculture Ministry, Saabri Bakhiet Dawul- Bait stressed the importance of Sudan hosting tothe meetings of the technical committee of the programs of the African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO), referring to the importance of the agriculture sector. During his address to the meetings of the technical committee for the (AARDO) programs, started Sunday morning at HollyDay villa Hotel in Khartoum, in the presence of the undersecretaries of a number of the federal ministries, representatives of the diplomatic missions and the organization's secretary general, the state minister pointed to the Sudan's national resources, water, land and biological diversity a matter which qualifies it to be basket food for both the local and regional levels. He indicated that the government determined to make strategic plans that comply with comprehensive program for the agriculture development in Africa that works for promotion of rural areas residents 2016-2020. He pointed out that the program is in line with the five-year economic reform programs aimed at restoring economic growth at a sustainable rate of 7% on annually average and growth rate of GDP to reach 7.1% by the end of the program. He said that the organization is one of the old models of the south-south cooperation, and plays pioneer role in the field of rural development, and the poverty alleviation. The organization's secretary general Wasfi Hassan Al-Serehein, noted that this fifth meeting of the program preparation committee is held to discuss and evaluate the previous work programs and the technical work programs for the coming years (for three years), noting that the meetings are held alternately in Asia and Africa. ta