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ALO announces support to Sudan issues
04-05-2016, 05:58 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
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ALO announces support to Sudan issues
04:58 PM April, 05 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, Apr. 5 (SUNA) The Arab League Organization has declared its support to all the Sudan's issues until peace and stability prevails via the organization role in convincing the political parties and the armed movements that reject to join the peace process. The ALO envoy to Sudan, Salah Halima has announced in Khartoum the organization support to all the efforts exerted by the Sudan's government to realize security and stability.
In statement to SUNA following his meeting, Tuesday, with the national dialogue secretary general pro. Hashim Ali Salim, at the Secretariat Headquarter at the Friendship Hall, Halim noted that he reviewed We reviewed what has been done in the comprehensive national dialogue on its different levels and the findings so far, the future and visions and opportunities for dialogue to be completed in the near future, pointing out that the Arab League will play its role in the next phase for the success of the dialogue and to achieve its objectives. He noted that the ALO would move on several tracks, including the humanitarian, development, security, political and other tracks, especially as they see that there is effort and hopes to achieve peace and stability in Sudan. On his part, the national dialogue secretary general, Prof. Salim said that he briefed ambassador Halima on what has been accomplished in the national comprehensive dialogue, indicating that Halima has expressed support to all the steps of the dialogue and the role it would carry to convince the rejecting parties inside and outside the country to join the dialogue outcomes.
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