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News and Press Releases3rd anniversary of the war against the people of the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile states
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3rd anniversary of the war against the people of the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile states

06-05-2014, 06:36 AM
الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال
<aالحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال
Registered: 03-17-2014
Total Posts: 178

3rd anniversary of the war against the people of the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile states

    Date; 4/6/2014
    on the fifth of June 2011, the treachery bullets shot from weapons nozzles, by National Congress Party (NCP)forces and militias declaring the start of the genocide and ethnic cleansing war against the people of Southern Kordofan / Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile states, replicating it as they have committed and still committing it brutally in Darfur, the war that initiated by war criminal field marshal / Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir from inside Mujled city during his election support campaign to Ahmed Haroun the other war criminal, when he announced in broad daylight in full view of the world, saying if we do not win through ballot boxes we will win by ammunition boxes, and replace Jellabia dresses with military uniform and will be hunting them Jebel, Jebel and Karkour Karkour(caves,caves) and before that in Gadarif city Omar al-Bashir denied cultural and religious diversity reality, followed by the then army chief of staff when he wrote to the then SPLA chief of staff that he will disarm SPLA forces ,the series completed when the joint integrated forces(JIU) NCP section commander emphasized the execution of his commander order of disarmament, through a letter addressed to SPLA JIU section commander in Kadugli, but SPLA-N forces defended themselves and the people of the two states decisively, also defended all the Sudanese people in their religious, cultural and ethnic diversities when they were attacked on 5/6/2011 and still struggling and will continue to struggle with the rest of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front forces(SRF).
    The treachery series did not start by Bashir speech only but was part of a deliberate arrangement carefully prepared to prevent any opportunity of just peace that will achieve freedom, justice and equality for all, without discrimination and bring about real democratic transformation. the census was fixed to devote ethnic and religious contrived majority, that is why the identity question was totally rejected, for both ethnic and religious, barriers were put to prevent any change to the laws by dodging to make it harder for CPA implementation, fraud and manipulation of geographical constituencies to keep the geopolitical map distorted to perpetuate political and social marginalization (ethnic engineering) even if they come with center agents as misleading symbolism. many obstacles Put in front of the implementation of the CPA, instead of downsizing of troops to pre-war size, NCP doubled the forces dozens times than it was during the war period, militias were armed, the central reserve forces (abutera) marched in the cities and villages streets to show capabilities and confirm their intention and readiness for war and it was an attempt to provoke SPLA-N forces, SPLM-N never kept silent to the repeated violations, many complaints raised to the UN peacekeepers through monitors.
    on the third anniversary of the war launched by the NCP against the peoples of the two states, the regime is still denying humanitarian access to affected people, its militias the so-called rebid support forces have burned dozens of villages and looted all properties including the stored food, burned farms and looted cattle, the regime dropped thousands of bombs into the villages, schools, hospitals, and destroyed boreholes , abduction and killing and imprisonment of thousands of innocent civilians and displaced them from their original areas.
    on the third anniversary and the regime's crimes against the Sudanese people is increasing day after day and expanding to the larger areas , from human rights violations in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile to the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations in the cities of central Sudan, killing and unfair prosecutions against children, unjust trials against SPLM-N leadership, in Sinja, Al-obied, Kadugli, and Sinnar, in addition to the arrests and silencing even those who agreed with them much as Imam Sadiq al-Mahdi, daily confiscation and scrutinizing of the newspapers, preventing columnist journalists from writing and others are to report regularly to the security offices. Regime court has prosecuted Mariam Yahia on fabricated crime (apostasy - allegations -) despite the fact that the Constitution guarantees the freedom of belief. The negotiation platforms has been exploited by the NCP regime as a means and strategy to buy time and dodging to prolong its life in the power and failure attempts to divide the oppositions, and fabrication of false Peace’s, we have confirmed information on that especially in regard to insistence of preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the affected people in the conflict areas.
    SPLM-N emphasizes its firm position in comprehensive solution to the Sudanese crisis, unconditionally humanitarian assistant to the effected population as a human rights guaranteed by international covenants and it can’t be controlled by war criminals on the expenses of innocent Sudanese people lives. SPLA-N forces will not back down an inch from their commitment to defending the Sudanese people and their justified course, and achieve comprehensive change meets the peoples’ aspirations and hopes, without exclusion to one.

    Arnu Ngutulu Loddi

    SPLM/A-N official spokesman

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