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News and Press Releases34 deaths in North Darfur tribal clashes, tension rises
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34 deaths in North Darfur tribal clashes, tension rises

08-30-2014, 03:11 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

34 deaths in North Darfur tribal clashes, tension rises



    29 Aug

    .) -

    Fighting between militants of the Abbala and Beni Hussein tribes continued for the second consecutive day on Thursday in North Darfur. Sources in the El Sareif Beni Hussein locality reported to Radio Dabanga that 34 people were killed and 20 others were wounded during clashes in Um Madsees and Jebel Dink Dinkat areas on Thursday.

    According to a witness in the area, 16 members of the Abbala tribe, and 14 of the Beni Hussein tribe were killed in the clash in Um Madsees on Thursday afternoon. Four Beni Hussein were wounded, including a woman. About seven Abbala were wounded and taken to a medic warden to receive treatment, the source reported.

    In another tribal clash on Thursday in Jebel Dink Dinkat, three Abbala members died, and three other wounded were taken to the hospital in Saraf Omra. One Beni Hussein member was also killed, while another sustained injuries.

    'More fighting in Hijer Tigeiteeg'

    A listener told Radio Dabanga on Thursday that fighting also took place in Hijer Tigeiteeg, the area where nine farmers were either slaughtered or shot dead in an attack by Abbala militants on Wednesday. He reported that the names of the killed farmers are:andnbsp;Mohamed Adam Abdel Rasul, Fadul Adam Abdel Rasul, Suleiman Adam Abdel Rasul, Deifalla Mousa, El Dom Salim Ismail, Yousif Zakaria Marji, Adoma Mohamed Fadul, and Salah Ali Abakar.

    'No clashes Friday'

    A witness confirmed to Radio Dabanga that the area has not witnessed any fighting between the tribes today. “But the atmosphere is tense -crowds from both sides are gathering in the area, in anticipation of the next outburst of violence.”

    He revealed that local administrations from the two sides have started mediating between the fighting parties, and attempted to disperse the gathering crowds.

    Sheikh Matar Younis, a local administration leader in Zalingei central Darfur, appealed to the Rizeigat, Abbala, and Beni Hussein tribes to stop their fighting immediately and stop the fighting.

    “The only one who benefits from the continuing clashes is the ruling National Congress Party, which provides the militants with weapons,” he said in an interview with Radio Dabanga.

    The Omda of the Rizeigat tribe in Kereinik area, Mohamed Hijer Yagoub, appealed to both tribes to refrain from war and listen to the voice of reason, and to the government to intervene and stop the bloodshed.

    The fighting between the Abbala and Beni Hussein started on Monday, after a group of militant Abbala attacked farmers of the Beni Hussein tribe, east of El Sareif town.

    File photo:andnbsp;People gathering in El Sareif Beni Hussein town following an attack by Abbala tribesmen on Beni Hussein members in June (by a Radio Dabanga correspondent)


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