Darfur Union in the UK: Sudan is Calling –a London Demo Marks the 29th Anniversary of Bashir in Pow
06:17 AM July, 01 2018 Sudanese Online تقارير سودانيزاونلاين-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL Darfur Union in the UK: Sudan is Calling –a London Demo Marks the 29th Anniversary of Bashir in Power, in Solidarity with his Victims in the Whole of Sudan – Report (Saturday, 30th June 2018)

After a series of systematic, hideous crimes committed by the pro-government militias against the people of Sudan in Darfur, and in particular over the last few weeks when a number of casualties were reported between dead and injured in Gar Sela, West DARFUR, (as well as the victims of political imprisonment, oppression and human rights abuse), the Sudanese diaspora in the United Kingdom and friends of Sudan descended to London to join a peaceful demonstration on Saturday the 30th June 2018, in front of the Sudanese Embassy. The demo was organised by a collective of organisations including Civil society organisations, Waging Peace, Hart and Darfur Union in the United Kingdom. The crowds were diverse, and their coming together reflected the concerned shared by all because of the latest escalations of violence against the innocents in Sudan.
The masses were keen to make their voices heard; the following slogans were repeated throughout the day:-
Al-Bashir to ICC
Stop the war in Darfur
Stop the war in Nuba Mountains
Stop the war in Blue Nile
Justice Justice For Sudan,
Peace Peace for Sudan
All criminals to ICC
End the Genocide Now
UK Action Action now
New Sudan Free Sudan
The crowds then moved in a peaceful march from the Embassy of Sudan to the square opposite to 10 Downing Street, where representatives from following organisations (the Darfur Union in the UK (Elsadeg A. Elnor – Chairman of DU), East Sudan Community, Sudanese Professional Associations, Sudanese Women’s Rights Defenders, Waging Peace (Sonja Miley) and HART (Baroness Caroline Cox)) handed in a letter to number 10. The letter detailed the second wave of war crimes inflected upon the people of Darfur and Nuba mountains and Blue Nile.
The main points which mentioned or referred to in the letter (for the full letter which was signed by a host of individuals and organisations visit ref. 1)
The coming together of people to mark the new waves of violence and atrocities committed by the Field Marshall Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir , the President of Sudan, and his National Islamic Front government against the people of Sudan in Darfur. On the wake of the heinous crimes committed by the pro government militia in West Darfur – ref. 2 United Kingdom played an instrumental role in raising the just case of the people of Sudan in Darfur in the UN Security Council back in 2003, and continued to raise the issue in multiple platforms, most memorably by giving support to the investigating team of the International Criminal Court, to pursue the perpetrators of war crimes, this action in one way or another has led to the indictment of the sitting president of Sudan back on March the 4th, 2009. Since then, the case has slowly disappeared from the priority list of the international community. We plea to the UK, to stand with the people of Darfur, by putting pressure on the government of Sudan, to allow aid and humanitarian agencies to have full access to the affected areas. Most importantly, the support that is given by the UK to the UNAMID forces, we asked that is continue in conjunction with reform in the organisation that will enable the force to execute the UN mandate in Darfur. Other points and deep concerns raised on the letter to the PM included the unknown fate of political detainees and the series of human rights abuses by the government of Sudan (GoS). The letter also stressed the importance of wide representation when it comes to listening to the victims of GoS to make sure that any potential solution takes into consideration the multifaceted issue of Sudan. The letter also covered the Khartoum process, UNAMID and resumed bilateral relations between the government of Sudan and HMG. The crowds/ rally was also addressed by representative of civil societies including the Baroness Cox – HART, Darfur Union – Elsadeg A. Elnor, Sonja Miley – Waging Peace, Sudan Medical Association, plus political parties, NGOs and friends of Darfur.
Below are links to photos and videos of the Demo.
Photos: https://wp.me/p77ak4-dShttps://wp.me/p77ak4-dS
Videos: https://wp.me/p77ak4-dehttps://wp.me/p77ak4-de
Tremendous efforts put together by Waging Peace (ref. 3) and Hart (ref. 4) organisations to ensure that all is in place for this demo; a massive thanks to both organisations.
Press Office, Darfur Union in the United Kingdom.
Please visit our website for the latest statements, monthly reports from the ground and future activities: https://darfurunionuk.wordpress.comhttps://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com
Have your say and let us know your opinion and suggestions via the following email: [email protected]
Twitter handle: @Darfurunionuk
Ref. 1: Letter to the Prime Minister Theresa May
Ref. 2: Darfur Report 2017-2018:- Will 2018 Brings a Renewed Hope for Peace in Sudan under Bashir؟ Thus far… Darfur Begs to Differ
Ref. 3: Waging Peace (Twitter handle: @WagingPeaceUK)
Ref. 4: HART (Twitter handle: @HARTnews)