05-10-2018, 11:55 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Sudanow claims first prize of an online article on traditional foods in Sudan
11:55 PM May, 10 2018 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL

Khartoum, 10 May (SUNA) - A Sudanow reporter has claimed the first prize for the best on line written article about Sudan's traditional food: A Varied, Rich Nutritional Culture.
The item was researched by Sudanow reporter, Rugia Ahmed Shafie (http://sudanow-magazine.net/page.php؟Id=290http://sudanow-magazine.net/page.php؟Id=290) who was covering a festival on traditional foods in the Sudan and their nutritional value and benefits.
The committee said the item claimed the first prize because, beside its fine language and readability, it was able to related the issue in a smooth and professional manner, reflecting the reason d'etre of the festival as organized by DAL Company, in 2017 the item was equally reported and published in Arabic in the official website of the Sudan news Agency.
Rugaia who has been working for Sudanow, an offshoot of the Sudan News Agency's English services, has in fact written a number of researched articles ranging from Sudanese vanguard, to traditional medicine, up to political analysis, perfumes and clothes. Ma/ma