The Global Defense Society for Rights and Rule of Law (GDSRRL) condemns the slavery act against Afr
09:28 PM December, 07 2017 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL The Global Defense Society for Rights and Rule of Law (GDSRRL) condemns the slavery act against Africa migrants in Libya and calls for tough action to be taken.
Press Release On 7th Dec.2017. The Global Defense Society For Rights and Rule of Law (GDSRRL) condemns in strongest terms possible the human rights abuses committed against migrants in Libya by Smugglers. We are shocked and dismayed by barbarism against Africa migrants. We therefore immediately urge the following authorities, AU, EU, France, USA and UK to rescue the victims and take tough actions against the Smugglers. The slave trade is not only inhuman but illegal act prohibited by the law, as clearly stated under the United Nation Charter Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 Article 4 which states that “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. The human rights abuses like rape, robbery, murder on migrants according to September report by the UN human rights agency must not go unpunished said the Executive Director. The perpetrators should not be left with abuses. GDSRRL believes the prosecution of those involved in slave trade in this modern time shall be provision of justice to those vulnerably abused. Importantly, we call the above authorities to utterly crack down an alleged Slave market.
By; Mangong Mawien Madut, a South Sudanese Human rights Lawyer and Executive Director of (GDSRRL) For more information (GDSRRL) Contact mailto:[email protected]@mail.com Telephone +256782229324. About (GDSRRL), The Global Defense Society For Rights and Rule of Law (GDSRRL) is nongovernmental and political global human rights organization founded in Uganda on November 2015 by Mangong Mawien Madut. It operation starts on December 6th 2017. The areas focus are protection and promotion of Rights and Rule of Law around the world, monitor, research, document and publish rights abuses and demand justice for victims of violated rights.