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Saudi thinker and writer appeals to the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques To rele

07-17-2017, 01:14 AM
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Saudi thinker and writer appeals to the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques To rele

    01:14 AM July, 17 2017

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    Alaeddin al-Dafina
    Abu Qasim Sayed Ahmed  Walid al-Imam

    Saudi thinker and writer appeals to the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques To release two Sudanese detainees in Saudi prisons

    Arab Coalition for Sudan (ACS) called on the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to release two Sudanese who have been detained since December last year at the request of the Sudanese government for their solidarity with the civil disobedience called by the opposition forces to protest government decisions to lift subsidies on fuel and medicine in September 2016. Social Media.

    In December last year, Saudi authorities arrested Abu Qasim Sayed Ahmed Walid al-Imam and Alaeddin al-Dafina, at the request of the Sudanese authorities to express their views by supporting the call for "civil disobedience".

    A member of the Arab Coalition for Sudan, the Saudi writer and thinker Muhammad Zeid al-Almai, appealed to the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to release the Sudanese held by the Kingdom's authorities.

    He said that the relations between the Saudi and Sudanese peoples have strong historical relations that are free of any differences and stressed that the Sudanese brothers in Saudi Arabia The best communities, in compliance with the laws and discipline and dedication and interest in the good relationship and continued: statistics of the competent authorities prove this, and said Almaami "as I learned that the three Sudanese detainees have been working for a long time in Saudi Arabia and committed to And they did not Aninha any criminal charge against them affect the sovereignty of the state recorded ", and called on the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Alolmaa the government to release the detainees and taking into account the circumstances of family.

    The Arab Coalition for Sudan expressed its deep concern for the continued detention of these Sudanese in Saudi prisons for nearly a year without charge or any activity hostile to the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

    The Arab Coalition called on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf states not to allow the Sudanese authorities to use their security apparatus to target Sudan and settle accounts with them.

    The Arab Coalition for Sudan expressed its deep regret for the deportation of journalist and activist Alaeddin Dafina to Sudan and handed over to the security authorities, according to reports from Khartoum, which puts his life in serious danger because there is no information about him, especially since Sudan's record of human rights is known to be the worst in the Arab world Because of the practices of the security apparatus, which goes beyond the Constitution and human rights conventions.

    The Arab Coalition held the Sudanese authorities responsible for the health and safety of Al Dafina in the event of any threat to his life. The Arab Alliance for Sudan confirms to the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques that whatever gains it has made in its relations with the Sudanese authorities at the present time, it may lose its relations with the Sudanese people in the future. The relations of the peoples are the rest and will remain permanent and will not be interrupted. Look at the depth of relations and strong ties between the peoples of the two countries.

    The Arab Coalition for Sudan appealed to human rights activists, international organizations, the United Nations, the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and all embassies to intervene urgently, save the lives of these detainees and release them and press the government of the Kingdom not to deport them to Sudan.


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