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News and Press ReleasesThe Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) welcomes the step of the US Administration to extend sanctions
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The Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) welcomes the step of the US Administration to extend sanctions

07-13-2017, 00:57 AM
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The Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) welcomes the step of the US Administration to extend sanctions

    00:57 AM July, 13 2017

    Sudanese Online
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    The Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) welcomes the step of the US Administration to extend sanctions on the NCP Regime and calls for linking the lift of sanctions to peace achievement and democratization.

    The Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) has been following the desperate attempts of the NCP Regime to have lifted the sanctions imposed on Khartoum as a result of well known circumstances related to violations committed by the Regime in Sudan against its people in Darfur, Nuba Mountain and Blue Nile as well as other violations and sponsoring of terrorism.
    Still there has been no tangible change on the ground that justifies lifting of the sanctions. The humanitarian situation is getting worse due to the ongoing war in Darfur and the two Areas and a large number of innocent citizens including political leaders, civil society figures are facing true and imprisonment on daily basis.
    On humanitarian level, the camps receiving increasing numbers of those displaced by the brutality of the Regime and its militias in Darfur and the situation has become more critical because the absence of UNAIDs role in protecting civilians, lack of basic necessities of life and reluctance of NCP Regime to any cession of hostilities for humanitarian purpose.
    Politically, Sudan has reached a deadlock after the so called National Dialogue which specifically designed to deceive the International Community in order to lift the sanctions imposed on Khartoum since a long time. This is true as there was no actual dialogue happened between the parties to the dispute in Sudan, but it was between the components of the Islamic Movement and the pro-Islamic groups. The real opposition forces, in particular the armed forces and political parties were not involved in that fake dialogue. The Regime also made every possible effort to avoid the peace process of the Road Map that presented by the mechanism of the AU for a comprehensive peace in Sudan.

    On security level, the war still going on fiercely in Darfur, Nuba Mountain and Blue Nile. The SLM have engaged in fierce battles against the government forces and it's militia in Darfur just a month ago, in response to the attacks of the NCP Regime at SLM strongholds and Jebel Marra also witnessed a war with banned weapons.
    In light of the current critical, political, security and humanitarian situation, the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM ) welcomes the step taken by Trump administration to extend the sanctions on the NCP Regime in Khartoum. The SLM also seizes this opportunity to call on the US Administration to keep the lifting of the sanctions in association with genuine progress of peace and Security achievement in Darfur and the two Areas and democratization in Sudan.

    Mini Minawi
    Chairman of Sudan Liberation Movement.

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