07-06-2017, 10:55 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Al-Bashir Directs for Completion of All Production Inputs in Al Gaziera
09:55 PM July, 06 2017 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL 
Khartoum, July 6 (SUNA) The President of the Republic Field Marshal, Omer Al Bashir has given directives for completion of all the production input including the fertilizers, and seeds to Al- Gazera Scheme. During his meeting Thursday at the Republican Palace the Wali, governor, of Al Gazera state, Dr. Mohamed Tahir Ailla, the president has appreciated the contribution of the private sector and citizens in Al Gazera state in the construction of the development and services projects. In press statements, Dr. Ailla noted that Al Gazer scheme is targeting the cultivation of 900 thousand fedDan of all corps during this summer season, referring to the state efforts to provide the scheme irrigation needs to guarantee the season's success. He added that he has briefed the President of the Republic on all the situations in the state, the progress of the development, services projects in the fields of water, roads education and the environment sanitation. ta