05-29-2017, 09:40 PM |
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$1.1 Million Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity Awarded to Dr. Tom Catena
08:40 PM May, 29 2017 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL
 The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative honors esteemed Catholic Missionary surgeon operating in war-torn Sudan for rekindling faith in humanity
MAY 28, 2017 – YEREVAN, ARMENIA – The $1.1 Million Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity was awarded tonight to Dr. Tom Catena, a Catholic missionary from Amsterdam, New York who has saved thousands of lives as the sole doctor permanently based in Sudan’s war-ravaged Nuba Mountains. The Aurora Prize, granted by the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative on behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviors, was announced at a ceremony in Yerevan, Armenia. He was selected as the 2017 Aurora Prize Laureate from more than 550 nominations submitted from 66 countries.
George Clooney, Academy Award-winning actor, Co-Founder of both The Sentry and Not On Our Watch, and Co-Chair of the Aurora Prize Selection Committee, commended Dr. Catena by stating, “As violence and war continue to threaten people’s spirits and perseverance, it is important to recognize, empower and celebrate people like Dr. Catena who are selflessly helping others to not only survive, but thrive. Dr. Catena is a role model to us all, and yet another example of people on the ground truly making a difference.”
Dr. Catena will receive a $100,000 grant and the opportunity to continue the cycle of giving by donating the accompanying $1,000,000 award to organizations of his choice. Dr. Catena will donate the award to three organizations: • African Mission Healthcare Foundation (AMHF), USA • Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB), USA
• Aktion Canchanabury, Germany
For the last nine years, Dr. Catena – known by locals as “Dr. Tom” – has been on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week at the Mother of Mercy Catholic Hospital to care for the more than 750,000 citizens of Nuba amidst ongoing civil war between the Government of Sudan and the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement. Patients have been known to walk for up to seven days to receive treatment for injuries from bombing attacks, and ailments ranging from leprosy and tuberculosis, to bone fractures to malnourishment and malaria. It is estimated that Dr. Catena treats 500 patients per day and performs more than one thousand operations each year.
On being named the 2017 Aurora Prize Laureate, Dr. Catena said, “We all have an obligation to look after our brothers and sisters. It is possible that every single person can make a contribution, and to recognize that shared humanity can lead to a brighter future. I draw my inspiration from the Nuba people. And with my faith as my guide, I am honored to continue to serve the world and make it a better place.”
“Dr. Catena is an inspiration to anyone who has ever doubted humanity. Despite tremendous injustice and sacrifice, he has dedicated his life to ensuring that the next generation has a brighter future,” said Vartan Gregorian, President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, co-founder of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative (AHI), and Aurora Prize Selection Committee member. “His service to others is an inspiration, and it is our hope that the individuals he has saved will continue the cycle of gratitude by becoming saviors themselves.”
Leading international humanitarian figures and Aurora Prize Selection Committee members, including Shirin Ebadi, Gareth Evans, Leymah Gbowee, Vartan Gregorian, Hina Jilani, and Ernesto Zedillo, were in attendance to celebrate the 2017 Aurora Prize Laureate.
Dr. Catena was congratulated by Marguerite Barankitse, who was awarded the inaugural Aurora Prize in 2016 for her tireless commitment to restoring children’s dignity and hope as the founder of Maison Shalom and the REMA Hospital in Burundi. She said, “The Aurora Prize is so important to keeping hope alive for people around the world, and I am proud to be joined by such a humble and true role model as Dr. Catena. I applaud his selfless efforts in delivering love to all and congratulate him on this esteemed award.”
Guests of the Aurora Prize Ceremony also honored the exceptional contributions of the other four 2017 Aurora Prize finalists: Ms. Fartuun Adan and Ms. Ilwad Elman, the Founders of the Elman Peace and Human Rights Centre in Somalia; Ms. Jamila Afghani, the Chairperson of the Noor Educational and Capacity Development Organization in Afghanistan; Mr. Muhammad Darwish, a medical doctor at the Madaya Field Hospital in Syria; and Dr. Denis Mukwege, a gynecological surgeon and Founder of the Panzi Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
“Dr. Catena embodies the spirit of the Aurora Prize, and we extend our deepest gratitude to him and the people and organizations around the world that support and inspire him to continue his noble work despite immensely challenging conditions,” said Ruben Vardanyan, co-founder of AHI and United World College at Dilijan. “We are honored to share his story with the world to shed light on the goodwill that exists in the world so that helping others becomes part of our global culture.”
The naming of the 2017 Aurora Prize Laureate follows the release of the Aurora Humanitarian Index, the second annual global public opinion survey that gauges attitudes towards humanitarian responsibility, the effectiveness of humanitarian intervention and individuals’ motivations to intervene on behalf of others. The Index found that support for humanitarian action is on a steep decline, and that a rise in populism around the world is affecting the public’s perception of efforts made to aid refugees around the world.
“We hope the findings from this year’s Aurora Humanitarian Index serve as motivation for individuals around the world to not only understand their capacity for meaningful impact, but be inspired to act upon it,” said Noubar Afeyan, co-founder of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. “Through the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, we encourage those touched by Dr. Catena’s selfless work to make their own mark on the world by expanding the circle of saviors, and most importantly survivors. It is possible for us all to play a role in renewing hope in humanity.”
NOTES TO EDITORS About the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity On behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviors, an Aurora Prize Laureate will be honored each year between 2015 and 2023 (in remembrance of the eight years of the Armenian Genocide 1915-1923) with a US$100,000 grant as well as the unique opportunity to continue the cycle of giving by nominating organizations that inspired their work for a US$1,000,000 award. Recipients will be recognized for the exceptional impact of their actions on preserving human life and advancing humanitarian causes.
The Aurora Prize Selection Committee includes Nobel Laureates Oscar Arias, Shirin Ebadi and Leymah Gbowee; former president of Ireland Mary Robinson; human rights activist Hina Jilani; former foreign minister of Australia and President Emeritus of the International Crisis Group Gareth Evans; former president of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo; President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York Vartan Gregorian; and Academy Award-winning actor and humanitarian George Clooney.
About the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative
Founded on behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviors, the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative seeks to empower modern-day saviors to offer life and hope to those in urgent need of basic humanitarian aid and thus continue the cycle of giving internationally. The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative is Gratitude in Action. It is an eight-year commitment (2015 to 2023, in remembrance of the eight years of the Armenian Genocide 1915-1923) to support people and promote projects that tackle the needs of the most helpless and destitute, and do so at great risk. This is achieved through the Initiative’s various programs: The Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity, the Aurora Dialogues, the Aurora Humanitarian Index, the Gratitude Projects and the 100 LIVES Initiative. The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative is the vision of philanthropists Vartan Gregorian, Noubar Afeyan and Ruben Vardanyan who have, already in the second year, been joined by several dozen new donors and partners. The Initiative welcomes all who embrace a commitment to our shared humanity.
The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative is represented by three organizations – Aurora Humanitarian Initiative Foundation, Inc. (New York, USA), the 100 Lives Foundation (Geneva, Switzerland) and the IDeA Foundation (Yerevan, Armenia).
Further information is available at http://http://www.auroraprize.comwww.auroraprize.com.
Media contact information: mailto:[email protected]@edelman.com Photography and videos for media use: http://http://www.AuroraPrizeMedia.comwww.AuroraPrizeMedia.com
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كوليرا.. وموت.. و (رمضانا سوداني) ! بقلم بثينة تروس امتحان الحريات أمام رفع العقوبات.. بقلم نور الدين عثمانقضية عوضية عجبنا ..ليست عنصرية ولا علاقة لها بأبناء النوبة كما يزعم البعض بقلم .د.آمل الكردفاني أخر الرجال (غير المحترمين ) بقلم عصام جزولي كيف نستفيد من شهر رمضان ؟! بقلم د. عارف الركابي بين الحكايا.. والسياسة بقلم إسحق فضل الله قرار التخريب ..!! بقلم الطاهر ساتيمجنون كَدَباس..! بقلم عبد الله الشيخوداعاً أيتها السياسة ..!! بقلم عبدالباقي الظافرظهور عبثي !! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضةبين الصوفية والسلفيين .. دعوة إلى نبذ التعصب! بقلم الطيب مصطفىحماية العلاقة المالية بين الخزينة العامة وجيب المواطن بقلم د.آمل الكردفانيعن الظلم و الأذى و الإستبداد .. !! بقلم هيثم الفضل
المنبر العام
الخرطوم: وجه العلاقات مع مصر لم يعد يحتمل المساحيقرسالةمن معلم سوداني عمل في اليمن لاصلاح ذات البينبرغــواطة و النبي صالح بن طريف......دينهم، قرآنهم وطقوسهمالسد العالي هدف عسكري مشروع ...تعالوا نفجر المواهب فى رمضان ورمضان كريم التقارب المصرى الروسي هل فعلا هدفه ضرب بؤر الإرهاب فى ليبيا ؟وفاة والد خالد المنسي"الشعبية" تتهم "مجلس التحرير لجبال النوبة" بالتخطيط لإنقلاب سياسي وعسكريالافطار السنوى لجالية جنت بلجيكاالبحث في هجوم مانشستر يقود إلى قطر.. فيديو وخلفيةالى اقباط مصر : ابحثوا عن وطن آخر، فالعالم العربى والاسلامي ستكون ليلته طويلة ....( فيديو حزين ) حتى يتسنى منحهم رواتب عامين بأثر رجعي …إستخراج بطاقات لنواب البرلمان الجدد بتاريخ 2015مفضيحة رفض ادارة ترامب مشاركة البشير في قمة ترامب السنية؟ !هي الرشوة دي كيف=حتى يتسنى منحهم رواتب عامين بأثر رجعي …إستخراج بطاقات لنواب البرلمان الجدد بتاريخ مصر صارت تتحكم فى قناة bbc عربى عبر مذيعيها العاملين فى هذه القناة تلك هى حقيقتنا يا د. حيدر إبراهيم --بقلم على عسكورىافتتاح رائع لدورة الشهيد أحمد نجيب الرمضانية بالرياض إخراج قطر من النسب الوهابي هل يؤدي إلى خروجها من مجلس التعاون الخليجي قريبا؟؟الحركة الشعبية تتهم بعض عناصرها بتحريض الجيش الشعبي والاعتداء على حاميات ومهاجمة الرئاسة والقائد ال مصر تريد “منطقة آمنة” في مثلث الحدود الغربية بجبل العوينات مع حلول شهر الرحمة: أطلقوا سراح دكتور مضوى أو قدموه لمحاكمة علنيةمضوي إبراهيم: سيرة التحدي والنضال التغيير بوست خاص لسيدى محمد عثمان الميرغنى سوابقه ونوادره في عالم السياسة..شكر الله ززذبح مستقبله الفنى..من غير ميعادستعم الفوضى البلاد وسيحكم حميدتي السودان أهالي بحر ابيض يطلقون اسم كاشا على الإسهال المائي الذي اجتاح مدنهم وقراهمضابط استخبارات أوغندي " الحرب الاهلية في جنوب السودان تم تصنيعها في كمبالا "أُجفِّفُ الأرضَ من الماءِحسابات التأهل في مجموعة الهلال والمريخ بدوري الأبطال، من وجهة نظر شخصيةتقرير عن وضع الاسهالاتالحافلة .. بقلم هاشم صديق رساله في بريد الهندي عزالدين و محمد لطيفالقيامـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة .. شعر هاشم صديقبرنامج فن زمان - تقديم سلمى سيد - الحلقة الأولىامسودان السماح النبيل: عن (سلسلة ارض السـُمر)..!!!الوجودية!إريتريا تنفي استهدافها سد النهضة الأثيوبي مع مصراستغاثة 140 سوداني بمراكز إيواء المهاجرين غير الشرعيين بليبياإقالة وزير السياحة الجزائري البطال بعد 3 أيام من تعيينهالسودان مش ح تكون ديل "لفراعنة مصر" . الداير يرمم عضيماتو ويشيل حيلو الصباح يسحر بمديدة النفساءالسيد ابراهيم الميرغني يقنن لوحدة السودانيين .. تنوير واستنارة مخاوف أميركية من وجود قاعدة عسكرية لها في قطرالمنتدى المصري للاعلام ينعي الاعلامية صفاء حجازيوزير الخارجية ..... أجل الجية لينا ..... ياربي مالو ...... الخ في شأن المؤتمر الوطني: نقاط فوق الحروف وفاة مدير المناهج بخت الرضاء متأثرا بالكوليرااليوم اطمئنيت على صحة الاذاعية ليمياء متوكل .. دعواتكم لها بالشفاء