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Joint NGO press release: TRACKs trial continues as detainees near their 6th month of detention
Joint NGO press release: TRACKs trial continues as detainees near their 6th month of detention
06:32 PM November, 17 2016 Sudanese Online african centre for justice-Kampala-Uganda My Library Short URL
(17 November 2016) Three leading civil society activists will soon reach their sixth month of detention on baseless charges related solely to their work and affiliation with the Centre for Training and Human Development (TRACKs), a Khartoum-based organisation that provides training on a variety of topics from information technology to human rights. The detainees - TRACKs Director Khalafalla al Afif Mukhtar, together with trainer Midhat Afif al-Deen Hamdan, and the director of another organisation, Alzarqaa Organisation for Rural Development, Mustafa Adam – face charges together with seven other activists affiliated with TRACKs in two overlapping criminal cases. Six members of the group, including the three detainees, are currently standing trial.
Our organisations have serious concerns that not only are the charges baseless but that the court proceedings have not met international and regional human rights standards on the right to a fair trial, including the right to a public hearing. The defendants have not been provided with a written list of the charges they face, or been given copies of the evidence for the crimes alleged in order to prepare a defence for court sessions. A number of civil society activists, including journalists, have been obstructed from attending the trial by court police and subjected to harassment and intimidation, including having their photos taken during court sessions. On 13 October, a US diplomat was prevented by court police from attending a court session, and on 20 October, two journalists were prevented from attending a session. Journalist Ibrahim al-Safi was stopped at the entrance to the courthouse by court police, grabbed by the collar, and pulled into an office for questioning. Two plain-clothed NISS officers confiscated journalist Adil Color’s press card and forced him to leave the court session. He was told to return after the court session for questioning, but did not do so due to fear of arrest. In addition, plain-clothed security officials, some armed, have also attended the sessions, sitting amongst activists.
أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 17 نوفمبر 2016
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المنبر العام
الحرية لمعتقلات ومعتقلي مركز تراكسجهاز الامن يعترف باعتقال معتز الخال بعد اسبوعين من الإنكارجناية الكاتبه سهير الشطفها البنغالى مصطفى جوووه الحمام -معقول دا بس شكرًا بكري لرفع هذا المقال،، الصلحي٠٠ بقلم يحيى العوضدكتور مصطفي ومني عمسيبالسودانية أ. نضال النعيم رمزاً للعزة والشموخ ودموع حب للوطن خلال اجتماع رسمي .. وزير هندي يتصفح صور خليعة لزوجة دونالد ترامب .. ( صور) ..!!أمريكا: تحقيق الجنائية لجرائم حرب بأفغانستان غير لائق ولسنا موقعين على المحكمة ولا نخضع لها الفلبين تلمِّح إلى اللحاق بروسيا وتنسحب من الجنائية البنقالي شطفني كاركتير ألتغيير فرض عين ..هيلاري كلنتون في أول تصريح لها بعد الهزيمة اخطاء شائعة عند اختفاء احد فلزات اكبادناوكأنما أضحت كل طموحاتنا أن يعتقلنا النظام أيهم أهم في الحياة الزواج, و الإنجاب أم الفن و الإنجاز و النجاح الفني مع استبعاد الزواج؟كمال الجزولي يعتذر عن المشاركة في لجنة تعديل الدستور ويصف الدستور بالمنتهك للحريات الملامِحُ المقضومةُنداء حتي لا ننسى الأطباء، ونماذج لِنباح الطغاة ...هل من مصدر رسمي لخبر الغاء رسوم العمره للمملكه لجنة مصنفات السودان ترفض كتاب (زقاق النسوان و زقاقات آخرى) للكاتب منعم الجزولي .. يا هؤلاء:لن تطرد(جوبا)الحركة الشعبية–شمال حتى يدخل الجمل في سم الخياط! بروفايل ولمحات من مسيرة الكابتن عصمت عبدالله (عصمت الامتداد)
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Joint NGO press release: TRACKs trial continues as detainees near their 6th month of detention
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