06-01-2016, 04:39 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Sudan's proposal on including mycetoma disease in WHO's list of tropical diseases approved
05:39 PM June, 01 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, May 31(SUNA)-The Federal Health Ministry has revealed that Sudan's draft resolution on inserting mycetoma disease in list of forgotten tropical diseases of the World Health Organization(WHO) during meeting of the 96th session of the WHO General Assembly May 22-28, which was unanimously approved by the WHO 194 member states .
Speaking at SUNA Press Forum, Tuesday, about outcome of the WHO General Assembly meetings, the Federal Health Minister,x Bahar Iddris Abu Garda said that the Ministry is planning to conduct a broad health survey to reach a real statistics of mycetom disease, besides establishxing centers for treatment of the disease in Sennar State.
He explained that mycetoma widely spread in the States of Sennar, Gezira and White Nile , indicating to provision of medicine used for treating the disease but, he asserted , are not effective as required.
The Minister announced that 90 million dollars have allocated for encouraging the national pharmaceutical industry and import of the drugs.
The Federal Health Minister pointed out that the meetings of the WHO General Assembly affirmed importance of encouraging the pharmaceuticals to produce more effective drug for treating the disease , besides urging the governments to assign more funds for fighting the mycetoma disease .
He added the meetings also called WHO to provide technical support to the mycetoma- affected countries , adding that the meetings also discussed a host of issues , top of which is the WHO reform.
Director of Communal Intervention Department, Dr Musab Abdul-Gadir unveiled that the number of registered cases of mycetoma reached 11,000 and 3,000 of them were registered in Wad Medani Center , Gezira State, affirming that most of cases came from Sennar and spread with small rate in Darfur and East Sudan States.
Dr Musab said the Ministry allocate 14,000 SDG for each patient and the one patient needs 40 SDG per day for treament.
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