07:47 PM March, 09 2016 Sudanese Online
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The London Centre of International Law Practice in partnership with Saudi Law Training Center, and in association with The International Centre for Energy Arbitration- organised The 1st Annual Conference on Energy Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Middle East and Africa.
The Conference addressed the challenges in the current context marked by political instability, and a drop in oil prices that is now affecting the energy market in the Middle East and Africa.
The Conference took place on 7-8 March 2016, followed by a day of technical workshops on 9 March. The main themes for the Conference and Workshops covered: Investment protection and incentivising; Energy arbitration and dispute resolution; Renewable energy; Institutional arbitration issues and challenges; Technical legal considerations in dispute resolution; and Common disputes in upstream oil and gas.
Session leaders, key-note speakers and delegates representing renowned organisations included The Law Firm of Majed M. Garoub; International Court of Arbitration; the International Centre for Energy Arbitration; the Scottish Arbitration Centre; Lagos Centre of Arbitration; International Centre for Dispute Resolution; International Centre for Development Studies; Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy at the University of Dundee; Institut Prospective Sécurité en Europe; CDR (Commercial Dispute Resolution); Arab Bankers Association; Middle East Association; Africa House; Center of Islamic Banking and Economics; White and Case; italaw (Investment Treaty Arbitration); EAL (Energy Arbitrators List); International Energy Charter; GAR; Oxford Business Group; ESCP Europe; TDM (Trans-national Dispute Management); Alsharq Saudi newspaper; and OGEL.
LCILP Director, Nagi Idris commented on the proceedings 'We are very happy with the valuable level of participation and instructive engagement during the conference, and look forward to organising the second conference on this vital topic next year.' He added 'it is worth noting that disputes in the energy sector comprise 43% of the total international legal disputes, and that led us to dedicate our time and resources to analyse its key issues, and advise practical solutions within the framework of international law.'
The London Centre of International Law Practice is an independent international institution comprising high -level professional international law practitioners- dedicated to the advancement of global legal knowledge and practice of international law.
مواضيع لها علاقة بالموضوع او الكاتب
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