02-28-2016, 08:44 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
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Japan provides USD 4.5 million to support UNHCR’s work in Sudan
07:44 PM February, 28 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL
KHARTOUM, 28 February 2016: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) welcomed today a contribution of US$ 4.5 million from the Government and people of Japan to support the agency’s work in Sudan.
UNHCR is supporting the Government of Sudan’s efforts to provide protection and assistance to refugees and asylum-seekers, as well as respond to the needs of internally displaced persons.
Japan’s contribution is mainly devoted to UNHCR’s activities in Khartoum, eastern Sudan and Darfur. The contribution will help ensure basic services and continue to support 90,000 refugees and host communities in eastern Sudan, including with primary health care, nutrition, water and sanitation facilities, and education.
UNHCR will also maintain a capacity to provide emergency shelter and non-food items for internally displaced persons.
H.E. Mr. Hideki Ito, Ambassador of Japan to Sudan, said: “Sudan has historically accommodated a large number of refugees. I am pleased to announce this year’s Japanese funding through UNHCR to provide necessary support to refugees and assist the Government of Sudan’s efforts in providing assistance to refugees and asylum-seekers and documentation for them. I trust Sudan will perform a positive role in stabilizing the region.”
UNHCR Representative, Mr. Mohammed Adar, said: “We are very grateful to the Government and people of Japan for their strong support to UNHCR in Sudan. This contribution will allow us, in close cooperation with the Sudanese authorities, to support the needs of refugees and other persons of concern.”
Sudan generously hosts over 300,000 refugees within its territory, from Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Central African Republic and South Sudan.
UNHCR in Sudan works with the Commissioner for Refugees (COR), the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), the Sudanese Red Crescent Society and other national institutions to protect and assist refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people. UNHCR has 11 offices in Sudan. The agency’s financial requirements for Sudan in 2016 amount to US$ 140,425,209 million.
For further information, please contact: Mohamed Elfatih Elnaiem, Assistant PI and Communication Officer, UNHCR Sudan, Tel: +249 -183 493 664. Email: [email protected]
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